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12 <br />equipment. The Town's public housing is an important source of affordable rental <br />housing and the Town's investment in this property should be maintained. The <br />$150,000 would help with the cost of renovating the eight remaining units at Airport <br />Gardens, and includes $15,000 for a portion of the Assistant Housing Director's salary <br />for oversight of the renovation work, <br />We propose to use current year (2003-2004) Community Development Neighborhood <br />Revitalization funds to replace the roofs on the buildings at the Oakwood public housing <br />community and the South Estes Drive Community Center, The renovation of public <br />housing units is an eligible Community Development activity, <br />2. Chapel Hill Department of Housin~c -Transitional Housing <br />The Chapel Hill Department of Housing requests $125,000 of Community Development <br />funds to purchase a home for the Transitional Housing Program. Funds would be used <br />to acquire and renovate a house, The Transitional Housing Program provides a <br />supportive environment that fasters a transition to private market housing far public <br />housing residents, <br />Town Staff Comment: The Community Development plan does not include funds for <br />this program, The recommended 2004-2005 HOME Program Plan includes $125,000 <br />far the acquisition of a house for the Town's Transitional Housing Program. <br />3, Habitat for Humani~ of Orange County <br />Habitat for Humanity requests $200,000 of NOME and/or Community Development <br />funds for predevelopment costs (surveying, engineering and design) and infrastructure <br />costs for the development of a 17-acre vacant tract of land on Sunrise Road, Habitat <br />also made a request for these funds at the February 2, 2004 public hearing. <br />Town Staff Comment: The plan does not include funding for this project. Federal <br />Regulations do not allow Community Development funds to be used for pre- <br />development costs for new construction projects, Using funds far architectural design <br />costs for new construction projects is not an eligible Community Development activity.. <br />We do not recommend allocating finds for the infrastructure costs because Habitat has <br />informed us that infrastructure funds would not be spent during the 2004-2005 fiscal <br />year, We recommend that the Council consider funding for this portion of the project <br />using future year Community Development funds, <br />4. Orange Community Housing and Land Trust <br />At the February 2, 2004 Public Hearing, Orange Community Housing and Land Trust <br />requested $100,000 of Community Development funds to subsidize ten tawnhomes in <br />the Vineyard Square development. The funds are requested as a permanent grant to <br />the Land Trust, Funds would be used to reduce the sales price of three-bedroom <br />