Orange County NC Website
CITIZEN PARTICIPATION <br />On February 2, 2004 and March 24, 2004, the Chapel Hill Town Council held public <br />hearings to receive citizen comments about how 2004-2005 Community Development, <br />HOME and Capital Fund (formerly the Comprehensive Grant) funds could be spent. The <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners held a public hearing on Febniary 3, 2004 to <br />receive citizen comments regarding housing needs in the community and the possible <br />expenditure plan for 2004-2005 HOME Program funding. <br />All comments received at the public hearings and applications submitted for funding are <br />summarized below, <br />Summary of Comments and Community Development Requests <br />The Chapel Hill Town Council received the following citizen comments at public <br />hearings held an February 2, and March 24, 2004. Applications far funding are also <br />summarized below. We note that all agencies that requested funding were required to <br />submit an application. <br />Affordable Housing Requests <br />Activities eligible far Community Development funding must meet one of three National <br />Objectives: <br />Benefit low- and moderate-income persons; or <br />• Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums and blight; or <br />• Treat urgent needs posing an immediate threat to public health and <br />welfare. <br />Examples of eligible activities include acquisition and /or renovation of property, second <br />mortgage assistance, and site development. <br />The fallowing comments and applications were considered: <br />1. Chapel Hill Department of Housing <br />The Chapel Hill Department of Housing requests $455,000 of Community Development <br />Program funds for the following purposes: $313,000 to pay a portion of the cost to <br />renovate twenty-six apartments in the Airport Gardens public housing community; <br />$76,000 to continue the Five-Year Refurbishing Program to refi~rbish about thirty-eight <br />apartments; $60,000 and to replace the roofs on the buildings at the Oakwood public <br />housing community and the South Estes Drive Community Center, and $6,000 to install <br />and repair playground equipment. <br />Town Staff Comment: The plan includes $150,000 to ftmd a portion of the renovation of <br />Airport Gardens, $50,000 for refurbishing apartments and $6,000 for playground <br />