Orange County NC Website
Base Charge (or Audit $38,500 LG <br />Base Charge fbr Financial Statement Preparation 510,000 <br />Base Charge for Compliance Audit 519,000 (includes 8 major programs) <br />Chazge Per Single Audit Program for Additional Compliance Testing 52,000 per program <br />Bookkeeping None <br />0 east, the (inane al star d cots of hetgovernmen alnunit and all of its component units and no es thereto prepared in aecolydanlee with <br />generally accepted accounting principles, combining and supplementary information requested by the client or required for full <br />disclosure under the law, and the auditor's opinion on the material presented. The Auditor shall furnish the required number of <br />copies of the report of audit to the Goveming Board as soon as practical after the close of the accounting period,. <br />11. The Auditor shall file f ahfederal single audit is conductedto7wo copiessof the report of audit should the submitted Sf an audit as <br />Data Collection Form, <br />be performede n accordance with GovernmentrAudhine Standards Otherwise, one copy shall be submittedn Copies of the report shall <br />the report submitted must be bound` The report of audt't,(as filed withsthe Secr eery of the LoealiGovemmentrComms store, becomes <br />a matter of public record for inspection and review in the offices of the Secretary by any interested parties. Any subsequent revisions <br />to these reports must be sent to the Secretary of the Local Government Commission. These audited financial statements are used in <br />the preparation of Official Statements for debt offerings, by municipal bond rating services, and to fulfill secondary market <br />disclosure requiremenu of the Securities and Exchange Commission <br />12 circumstances, sthecAuditoroshall reform the Goveming Boardeinlwritingsotf the needtfor such additional inv strgaaonoand the <br />maytbe varied or changed toUnclude the increased timerand/or compensation as may be agreed upon by the Governing Btoardrand the <br />Auditor.. <br />13 PTe-audPed f ne etssary, and submitted to the Secretary of the Local Government Comm scion for approval gNo chance shah be <br />_._., ~...>,,, e>~~Plarv of the Local Govemment Commission. the Govemin Board. and the Auditor. <br />ellecu VC wu.+~- ._.__.. _.. <br />14 attaching a copynof ~he engagemeng letteeritlotthe contrect tlo incorporate the engagement letterrinto the ontmctgln case of confli t <br />t rmsearehdeemed ~otbe vogdgunlesslthee confl Icing terms ofs[hisn ontraet are spec ficaliy deleted tincltemo2l ofathis contmet <br />Engagement letters containing indemnification clauses will not be approved by the L.oeal Govemment Commission. <br />I5. There are no special provisions except: See attached engagement letter <br />16 exccutedtfor each comnonlent unibwhiches a local govetrnment and fordwhich a separate audit report is issuedparate contract must be <br />I7. The contract should be executed and submitted in yiolicate to the Secretary of the Local Government Commission, 325 North <br />Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 2760.3-1385.. <br />18 retat fined by the Secretary of the Local Glovemment Commission The audit should nopbe stltarted beforre thetcontract st nor m d a copy <br />19. entered into in acco dance with the procedure s trout herein and approved by the Secretlary of the Local Government Commiss oness <br />20. If this audit engagement is not subject to C'nvemment Auditine Standards, then Item 5 shall be listed as a deleted provision in Item <br />21. An explanation must be given for deleting this provision. <br />21., All of the above paragraphs are understood and shall apply to this agreement, except the following numbered paragraphs shall be <br />deleted: (See Item 14.) None <br />