Orange County NC Website
1/30/24, 9:39 AM HSOA-24-6 <br /> 9/15 <br />Primary Contact's Phone Number <br />919-590-5910 <br />Primary Contact's Email Address <br /> <br />Describe the proposed program and the target population to benefit from the program. Please also <br />explain how the program aligns with the Town of Chapel Hill and Carrboro's Human Services Program <br />Results Framework and/or Orange County's BOCC Goals and Priorities (250 words or less). <br />Target Population <br />The program target population demographics table is included as an <br />attachement on the application cover page. Please download the excel <br />spreadsheet and fill out the demographic data in the table and then upload it <br />with your application. Provide one copy per program that you are requesting <br />funding for. <br />The Triangle is home to a rapidly growing population of refugee and asylum- <br />seeking communities. Language inaccess threatens the wellbeing of these <br />communities, blocking non-English speaking residents from accessing <br />housing, public benefits, and economic opportunities. Since 2020, RCP’s <br />Membership- and their need for language support- has skyrocketed to 1,300+. <br />Most institutions lack language services for global languages, preventing <br />residents from being able to address their basic needs. More broadly, language <br />access is critical for daily life - from finding and maintaining employment, to <br />calling a child’s teacher or engaging with a landlord. <br />RCP uses relationship-based support, opportunity development, and cultural <br />stewardship to disrupt the socioeconomic drivers of poverty and isolation among <br />refugee and migrant communities. Aligned with the Towns and County's priority <br />to increase livelihood security among residents, RCP recruits and trains bilingual <br />young adults from different language communities as Community Coordinators <br />to act as bridges and cultural guides between non-English speaking residents and <br />the broader community. Our intake process with new Members helps stabilize <br />financial security, helping families enroll in public benefits, from signing up for <br />public housing, to accessing discount internet and phone services, to enrolling in <br />food assistance and childcare. We root out and eliminate predatory services, and <br />support families dealing with threats of displacement, supporting families to <br />decrease expenses and stabilize household income. From there, we work with <br />families to establish and pursue personal goals, and support them in achieving <br />them, while providing interpretation and accompaniment where language <br />differences are a barrier to access. <br />Docusign Envelope ID: 9A1CFCD5-41FF-4C02-9172-BC499052FC3A