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20 <br /> Detention Center Staffing Analysis Orange County, NC <br /> results in more reasonable budget estimates for which management can be held <br /> accountable. <br /> • As noted previously, there is no individual budget for the Detention Center and <br /> therefore no budgetary or overtime management capability. The Detention Center <br /> should have its own detailed operating budget as a subset of the OCSO budget <br /> that includes its own independent overtime line item. <br /> • There is no method by which overtime can be coded based on the reason for its <br /> use. This lack of overtime coding results in less than informative overtime <br /> expenses and a restricted ability to control overtime outcomes. Major reasons for <br /> overtime typically include: 12-hour schedule OT, absentee shift coverage, special <br /> assignment, or shift holdover. Without such coding, an organization cannot fully <br /> address the underlying and fundamental problems that might be creating overtime <br /> expenses (e.g. short staffing or excessive absenteeism). The inclusion of overtime <br /> coding would prove valuable for Orange County. <br /> In summary, overtime usage in the Detention Center is not problematic, but there are <br /> opportunities to further refine overtime budgeting,tracking, and management to enhance <br /> OCSO operations. <br /> Recommendation: <br /> #2: While overtime utilization in the Detention Center is not problematic, there are <br /> opportunities to further refine overtime budgeting,tracking, and management to enhance <br /> OCSO operations. This includes improved overtime trend budgeting, a discreet Detention <br /> Center budget, and "reasons for overtime" account coding. <br /> 3. Detention Center Scheduling <br /> The Detention Center has implemented one of the most successful work shifts in the 12- <br /> hour Pitman schedule as this generally facilitates work/life balance and is cost-effective. <br /> The Pitman schedule provides all staff with a scheduled three-day weekend every other <br /> weekend.5 Our work with other corrections facilities who have implemented such <br /> schedules have stated anecdotally that benefits of this schedule include minimizing <br /> mandated overtime and double shifts, providing additional family time for staff, reducing <br /> 5 <br /> Matrix Consulting Group 15 <br />