Orange County NC Website
40'"MOM00--ft- <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> NORTH CAROLINA <br /> Transportation Multimodal Plan - <br /> Public Engagement Summary <br /> Introduction <br /> In April 2024,the Orange County Transportation Multimodal Plan (TMP) study team lead a public <br /> engagement campaign to gather community input on multimodal improvements.The team used various <br /> methods of outreach to inform residents and stakeholders about the plan and encourage participation in <br /> the study survey—the primary tool for collecting public feedback.Two public open house meetings <br /> allowed the community to review multimodal improvements, engage one-on-one with study team <br /> members, and provide feedback in person.This document outlines the public engagement tactics used <br /> and summarizes public input received from the study survey. <br /> Promotional Materials & Outreach <br /> The study team utilized a variety of promotional tools and outreach strategies to inform the public about <br /> the study, promote the survey, and garner participation for public meetings. Both print and digital means <br /> were necessary to promote the study to the public who use the corridor frequently and to the public <br /> who may receive information mostly from digital sources.These tools included a study specific webpage, <br /> social media, an e-blast, and a press release.A copy of the promotional materials can be found in <br /> Appendix A. <br /> Website <br /> The study webpage, hosted on Orange County's website at <br />, houses a study overview and serves to <br /> provide project updates, contact information, and publicize engagement opportunities.The webpage <br /> also includes a link to the study survey and facilitates access to past transportation projects through its <br /> location on the County website. <br /> Orange County used its social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram,X (Twitter), and Linkedln to share <br /> two posts about the plan and its public engagement opportunities.The posted content included a study <br /> announcement, reminders for each public meeting, and a call to participate in the survey before it <br /> closed. <br />