Orange County NC Website
26 <br /> spending over half of their income on housing. While extremely low-income households only represent <br /> 13%of all households in the county,they constitute 33%of all cost burdened households 60%of all <br /> severely cost burdened households.These statistics demonstrate the urgent and ongoing need for more <br /> affordable housing options in Orange County for low-and moderate-income households. <br /> The Orange County HOME Consortium continued to address issues of affordable housing in the County <br /> through funding the following activities in program year 2023: <br /> • HOME-23-01—CASA—Rental Construction <br /> • HOME-23-02—Pee Wee Homes—Rental Construction <br /> Actions taken to develop institutional structure. 91.220(k); 91.320(j) <br /> The Orange County Housing Department continued to coordinate activities among public and private <br /> agencies and organizations in the county to ensure the goals established in the latest Five Year <br /> Consolidated Plan are consistently met and addressed by more than one agency.The Housing <br /> Department continued to facilitate and coordinate the linkages between these public-private <br /> partnerships and developed new partnership opportunities. <br /> The private sector was an important collaborator in the services and programs associated with the Five- <br /> Year Consolidated Plan.The private sector brought additional resources and expertise that was used to <br /> supplement existing services or fill gaps in the system. Lenders, affordable housing developers, business <br /> and economic development organizations, and private service providers offered a variety of assistance <br /> to residents such as health care, small business assistance, home loan programs, and assisted housing, <br /> among others.The County continued to collaborate with local financial institutions, private housing <br /> developers, and local realtors. <br /> The Orange County Partnership to End Homelessness (OCPEH) has thoroughly analyzed the institutional <br /> structure and service delivery system, identified fourteen gaps in the system, and calculated the costs of <br /> filling those gaps. OCPEH has either identified existing programs and partners, or worked to set up the <br /> necessary infrastructure, through which to fill most of these gaps, and some funding has already been <br /> secured. In addition to filling the homeless system gaps, OCPEH also aims to improve existing projects <br /> and processes and improve the quality of homeless service delivery. <br /> Actions taken to enhance coordination between public and private housing and social service <br /> agencies. 91.220(k); 91.320(j) <br /> Orange County works with the following agencies to enhance coordination: <br /> 25 <br />