Orange County NC Website
21 <br /> the wide network of human services agencies in Orange County to ensure anyone with housing needs <br /> are connected with emergency and permanent housing referrals as needed. <br /> Helping homeless persons (especially chronically homeless individuals and families, families <br /> with children,veterans and their families, and unaccompanied youth) make the transition to <br /> permanent housing and independent living, including shortening the period of time that <br /> individuals and families experience homelessness, facilitating access for homeless individuals <br /> and families to affordable housing units, and preventing individuals and families who were <br /> recently homeless from becoming homeless again <br /> OCPEH works on many different fronts to increase exits to permanent housing and decrease the length <br /> of time homeless for households in our system, and average and median lengths of time homeless <br /> system-wide. As part of coordinated entry, OCPEH administrates the by-name list and manages regular <br /> case conferencing meetings to ensure people are connected to resources, ensure people do not fall <br /> through the cracks in the human service system, and coordinate permanent housing referrals. OCPEH <br /> prioritizes Permanent Supportive Housing referrals for people experiencing chronic homelessness. <br /> OCPEH coordinates the monthly standing meeting of the Orange County Veterans Experiencing <br /> Homelessness Working Group to review the veteran by-name list. OCPEH also administers a Rapid Re- <br /> Housing Program with State ESG, ESG CV and HOME TBRA funds. Beginning in October 2022,this <br /> program will be expanded with HUD CoC funds. During the veteran and other coordinated entry <br /> processes, OCPEH also connects households to other housing programs available in the community, <br /> including the Section 8/Housing Choice Voucher program, veterans programs like SSVF and HUD-VASH, <br /> the Targeting/Key program, and the Transitions to Community Living Initiative and Independent Living <br /> Initiative.The CoC's Plan to End Homelessness and its overall approach to ending and preventing <br /> homelessness is based on the HEARTH Act and Federal Strategic Plan to End Homelessness goals and <br /> strategies. <br /> 20 <br />