Agenda - 04-29-2004-1
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-29-2004
Agenda - 04-29-2004-1
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4 <br />and environmental aspects of business; marketing to new companies that meet the county's <br />desired criteria. <br />Strategies to Plan the Necessary Physical Infrastructure and Land Use -Physical infrastructure <br />issues for the Economic Development Districts and other commercially zoned areas; <br />transportation, including road improvements and alternatives to passenger cars; information <br />networks; land use strategies related to economic development and mixed use projects. <br />Strategies to Support and Develop the County's Workforce -Training and education, including <br />partnerships with Durham Tech, UNC, and Chapel Hill/Carrboro and Orange County school <br />systems; access to transportation, child care, and affordable housing; access to living wages, <br />health care, and a continuum of social services. <br />Strategies to Develop and Sustain Quality of Place -Issues of tolerance and diversity; strong <br />downtowns; preservation of open space and farmland; excellent educational offerings across all <br />age groups; clean environment; active and passive recreation opportunities; vibrant arts and <br />culture scene; appealing spaces for casual and formal interaction. <br />All four work groups have been meeting regularly since the Summit. A summary of each <br />group's statement of overall strategy and key sub-elements is shown in Attachment 6b. The <br />groups are now turning their attention to developing the action items required to realize the <br />strategy. Next week the co-chairs of each work group will meet with the EDC Chair and staff to <br />assess progress, to make sure there is consistency across work groups with little overlap, and <br />to ensure there are no gaps. We will also be discussing how to coordinate this effort with the <br />Council for a Sustainable Community's work. <br />Attachment 6a -Proceedings of the Orange County Economic Development Summit <br />Attachment 6b - Summary of Strategic Visioning Work Groups <br />7. Update on Orange County Land-Use Plan Outreach <br />The County's Planning and Inspections Department conducted township meetings during March <br />and April to receive public input on staffs ideas for the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element <br />Update. The final township meeting was held April 28`h in the Hillsborough Township. <br />The next step in the process will be to compile the information obtained during the outreach <br />process into a report for review by the County's Planning Board and Board of County <br />Commissioners. The report will include, among other items, a summary of the advertising <br />campaign, questions and comments raised by meeting participants; and where relevant to the <br />Land Use Element, detailed responses to citizen's questions. The report will be completed in <br />May and will be made available to citizens for review and comment. <br />During June and .July, the Planning Department will recompile policy choices for the Land Use <br />Element based on comments received during the outreach process and will work toward <br />meeting a proposed Public Hearing date of August 23, 2004. Following Public Hearing, the <br />Planning Board will make a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners for their <br />consideration later this year. The attached table provides a brief summary of the informal and <br />formal input process for the Land Use Element Update. <br />
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