Agenda - 11-07-2024; 8-a - Minutes
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-07-2024 Business Meeting
Agenda - 11-07-2024; 8-a - Minutes
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10/31/2024 1:52:13 PM
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10/31/2024 2:06:19 PM
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Agenda for November 7, 2024 BOCC Meeting
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2024\Agenda - 11-07-2024 Business Meeting
Minutes 11-07-2024 - Business Meting
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2020's\2024
ORD-2024-035-Acceptance of NC Department of Natural and cultural resources grant america 250 program and approval of budget amendment #2-E
\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2020-2029\2024
ORD-2024-036-Service agreement for public safety communications radio system and approval of budget amendment #2-F
\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2020-2029\2024
ORD-2024-037-Purchase of Solid Waste vehicles for recycling collection and tire hauling and approval of budget amendment #2-G
\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2020-2029\2024
ORD-2024-038-Continuation of Takeaway meals program and In-home services program and approval of budget amendment #2-H
\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2020-2029\2024
OTHER-2024-096-Addendum to service agreement
\Board of County Commissioners\Various Documents\2020 - 2029\2024
PRO-2024-025-Family Caregivers Month and Caregiver Day of Care Proclamation
\Board of County Commissioners\Proclamations\2020-2029\2024
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2020-2029\2024
RES-2024-059-Exemption Exclusion
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2020-2029\2024
RES-2024-061-Resolution of Approval – Donated Conservation Easement on Property of Circular Design Construction, LLC (Array)
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2020-2029\2024
RES-2024-062- Resolution Authorizing Vehicle Registration Tax Increase
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2020-2029\2024
RES-2024-063-Resolution Naming the 203 Greensboro Project as the Drakeford Library Complex
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2020-2029\2024
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17 <br /> 1 Commissioner Richards said the cliff started around 2022 and she is trying to understand <br /> 2 when the recognition of the problem occurred. She said if the staffing number stayed the same <br /> 3 from 2022-24, when did the plan for Tier 2 come together. <br /> 4 Riza Jenkins said that initially the school board wanted to find savings that did not involve <br /> 5 personnel and protect student facing positions. She said that they did not realize the amount of <br /> 6 savings that they had hoped for with those changes. She said that at that point they decided to <br /> 7 adjust their allotments for schools. She explained how the state allots funding and referred to <br /> 8 slide #13. She said they are still having conversations about the instruction and programs that <br /> 9 they offer, and the work is not done to stabilize the district. <br /> 10 Commissioner Richards said that enrollment was down, and staffing was flat. She asked <br /> 11 why expenditures were not adjusted at that time. <br /> 12 Riza Jenkins said there will be more adjustments that have to be made. <br /> 13 Vickie Feaster Fornville said they will have to work even harder to determine what <br /> 14 positions will be eliminated in the future. <br /> 15 Commissioner Fowler said the state is failing in its job to fund education. She asked where <br /> 16 the eliminations were in central office positions. <br /> 17 Nyah Hamlett said school staff and district wide positions. <br /> 18 Commissioner Fowler asked if the district had a fund balance policy that stated that fund <br /> 19 balance should only be spent on one-time expenditures. <br /> 20 Chair Bedford said it is a county-policy that was adopted decades ago. <br /> 21 Commissioner Fowler said she wants the school board to be aware of that when making <br /> 22 decisions. <br /> 23 Chair Bedford asked if the state had distributed the initial allotments for the year. <br /> 24 Jonathan Scott said yes. <br /> 25 Chair Bedford asked both school districts for the previous year's allotment charts. <br /> 26 Riza Jenkins said they review the financial statements monthly. She said that they also <br /> 27 must educate the public on allotments. <br /> 28 Chair Bedford asked how far in advance they knew of the loss of$2.5 million. <br /> 29 Jonathan Scott said that they realized the amount of the deficit at the end of quarter 2. He <br /> 30 said that the fill rates were much higher than they have historically budgeted. He said there were <br /> 31 also unexpected increases for utilities. <br /> 32 Chair Bedford referred to a handout prepared by county staff explaining the history of <br /> 33 county funding for the schools. <br /> 34 Commissioner McKee said that the blame cannot be laid at the state. He asked if the <br /> 35 county needs to be prepared for a mid-year budget request. <br /> 36 George Griffin said they do not anticipate making a budget request. He said that the <br /> 37 question is why they did not act sooner. He said that between the pandemic and now they have <br /> 38 lost 8% of their student body but they were staffed as if they had not had a reduction. He said that <br /> 39 each year in the last three years they could have done staff reductions, but it is hard to do that <br /> 40 when there is a fund balance of $12 million dollars in fund balance. He said that if you see the <br /> 41 projections, you see that in 2024 is where you cross the line into where the revenues no longer <br /> 42 meet expenses. He said that it made sense to not carry funds while you are not hiring staff. He <br /> 43 said that they cannot continue to spend more than they take in. <br /> 44 Nyah Hamlett said that they do not anticipate adding another tier to the proposed cuts. <br /> 45 She said that "more to come" means adjustments in allotment formulas and working with staff <br /> 46 overtime. <br /> 47 Commissioner McKee said that seems to be exactly what has them into this situation. <br /> 48 Chair Bedford said the plan will rebuild fund balance in this coming year. <br /> 49 Commissioner McKee said that he is not trying to be argumentative and that he <br /> 50 remembers the conversation where the county discussed concern with the district on carrying too <br /> 51 high of a fund balance. He said he has been concerned about this. He said that this is not an <br />
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