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53 <br /> The following pages highlight the data collected pertaining to the strengths and weaknesses of <br /> the existing pedestrian environment for Efland Cheeks Global Elementary School. A campus map <br /> showing bicycle and pedestrian crashes, existing infrastructure, school zone signage, key crossing <br /> IDs, and photo IDs is included in Figure 2.14.An overview map showing the bicycle and pedestrian <br /> crashes, existing infrastructure, a 20-minute walking radius, and a 10-minute biking radius is <br /> included in Figure 2.16. <br /> Behavioral Components of Vehicular and Pedestrian Traffic Patterns <br /> There are approximately 15 Efland Cheeks students walking or cycling to school. On-site <br /> observations noted several elementary school pedestrians walking from School House Road, Lucia <br /> Lane, Tinnin Road, and Fuller Road. Field staff noted the following travel norms for Efland Cheeks: <br /> ♦ Motorist behavior was observed as good. Drivers are respectful and obey speed <br /> limits. <br /> ♦ In the morning, traffic backs up onto Fuller Road and School House Road. Cars <br /> must queue east of the school on Fuller Road and then onto School House Road. <br /> Cars are not allowed to access Fuller Road from US 70.They must enter the car <br /> line on Tinnin Road from US 70. <br /> ♦ In the afternoon, traffic backs up to Tinnin Road. Cars block driveways of <br /> residences along School House Road. <br /> ♦ Security officer was observed directing exiting traffic out to US 70 during the <br /> morning drop off. Once traffic started backing up the officer directed exiting <br /> traffic back to Fuller Road. <br /> ♦ In the afternoon, several students walkers were observed using School House <br /> Road and Fuller Road. Parents walk to the school to pick students up.There is an <br /> obsolete driveway parents and students use to cut from School House Road to <br /> the school. <br /> ♦ Safety concerns include blind curves along School House Road and Fuller Road. <br /> ♦ Traffic is significant, especially during school start up and end times, along <br /> the Highway US 70 E which is a primary route to enter the school.Traffic along <br /> School House Road and Fuller Road is calm and slow. <br /> Existing Infrastructure - Strengths <br /> Few strengths were noted due to the lack of pedestrian and bicycle facilities.The following <br /> observations were noted as existing system strengths: <br /> + There is one school zone sign along the section of Fuller Road entering the <br /> school from US 70.There is clear school zone signage along US 70. <br /> + There are on-campus sidewalks along the building front, adjacent to the carpool <br /> drop-off line. <br /> + Traffic is relatively slow and calm and there is no through traffic. <br /> Safe Routes to School <br /> Orange County,North Carolina 51 <br />