Orange County NC Website
46 <br /> 8 - Orange High School <br /> Orange High serves grades 9 to 12 and has a total enrollment of 1,200 student. It is located in <br /> northeast Hillsborough along Orange High School Road just off of US 70 and the surrounding land <br /> use is mostly residential with some commercial.The traffic volume along Orange High School Road <br /> is 3,500 vehicles per day,while US 70 has an average daily traffic volume of 13,500 vehicles per <br /> day.There are no pedestrian or bicycle facilities on the roadways in the vicinity of the school. Five <br /> pedestrian crashes have occurred within the 20-minute walk band.Two of these crashes involved <br /> high school-aged pedestrians.Approximately 15-20 students walk or bike to school. <br /> Table 1.8: Orange High School Characteristics <br /> Grades Serviced 9th-12th <br /> Total Enrollment 1200 <br /> Number of Buses 22 <br /> Number of Students Riding the Bus 470 in the AM;472 in the PM <br /> Number of Students Walking 15 <br /> Number of Students Cycling 2 <br /> Number of Students Driven 730 <br /> Special Needs Population Yes (# Unknown) <br /> Land Uses Surrounding School Residential,Commercial <br /> Presence of Bike Racks Yes <br /> No Walk Zones None <br /> Crossing Guards No <br /> Policies that Restrict Walking or Bicycling No <br /> Bicycle/Pedestrian Safety Taught to Students Yes <br /> Existing Parking Capacity 600 spaces <br /> Presence of Car Waiting Zones Yes <br /> Number of Staff Managing Drop off/Pick up 3 <br /> Residences within a 10-min bike ride from the 2908 <br /> school <br /> The following pages highlight the data collected pertaining to the strengths and weaknesses of <br /> the existing pedestrian environment for Orange Middle School.A campus map showing bicycle <br /> and pedestrian crashes, existing infrastructure, school zone signage, key crossing IDs, and photo <br /> IDs is included in Figure 2.12.An overview map showing the bicycle and pedestrian crashes, <br /> existing infrastructure, a 20-minute walking radius, and a 10-minute biking radius is included in <br /> Figure 2.13. <br /> Safe Routes to School <br /> Orange County,North Carolina 44 <br />