Orange County NC Website
34 <br /> 6 - Hillsborough Elementary School <br /> Hillsborough Elementary serves grades Kindergarten to 5 and is located in West Hillsborough along <br /> W Union Street and N Nash Street.This school has a total enrollment of 438 students. Surrounding <br /> land use is mostly residential.Traffic volumes along W Union Street are low,while N Nash Street has <br /> an average daily traffic volume of 1,400-2,000 vehicles per day. Hillsborough Elementary is located <br /> in a residential neighborhood.The school is currently overcapacity based on projected land use in <br /> the area and future residential development projections. Hillsborough Elementary is a year-round <br /> magnet school and does not have a defined attendance zone.There are some sidewalks along the <br /> east side of North Nash Street opposite the school and along the north side of West Union Street <br /> adjoining the school.Twenty pedestrian crashes,with one fatality and one suspected serious injury, <br /> and four bicycle crashes have occurred within the 20-minute walk band.Approximately 20-30 <br /> students walk or bike to school. <br /> Table 1.6: Hillsborough Elementary School Characteristics <br /> Grades Serviced K-5th <br /> Total Enrollment 438 <br /> Number of Buses 4 <br /> Number of Students Riding the Bus 44 in the AM;89 in the PM <br /> Number of Students Walking 20 <br /> Number of Students Cycling 2 <br /> Number of Students Driven 365 <br /> Special Needs Population 72 06%) <br /> Land Uses Surrounding School Residential <br /> Presence of Bike Racks Yes <br /> No Walk Zones None <br /> Crossing Guards Sherriff directing traffic <br /> Policies that Restrict Walking or Bicycling No <br /> Bicycle/Pedestrian Safety Taught to Students No <br /> Existing Parking Capacity 115 spaces <br /> Presence of Car Waiting Zones Yes <br /> Number of Staff Managing Drop off/Pick up 15-20 <br /> Residences within a 10-min bike ride from the 3645 <br /> school <br /> Safe Routes to School <br /> Orange County,North Carolina 32 <br />