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MINUTES <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> April 24, 2024 <br /> committee members expressed discomfort, places of worship were not included in the BOH's <br /> draft letter. <br /> Mr. Whitaker expressed that he liked the formatting of the letter to include an appendix with <br /> some of the more technical details, so any readers have the option to engage with the <br /> intricacies of a policy like this based on their personal preference. <br /> In response to Dr. Crandell's question about the impact of this LDO and whether any facilities <br /> would be in immediate violation, Mr. Bagby clarified that the LDO would only apply to new <br /> facilities. Mr. Whitaker added that existing facilities would be affected only if they applied for a <br /> change to their operations, for example a shift in their product sales. Dr. Jonnal asked how <br /> many new facilities might be being planned, to which Commissioner Fowler said it is likely not <br /> very many in the unincorporated county, but if Orange County passes an ordinance and the <br /> municipalities follow suit, then it would have a greater impact. <br /> Dr. Stuebe observed that residential land use would likely have the greatest impact since there <br /> are homes or apartments everywhere and added that she is a fan of all things zoning so she is <br /> excited to see what happens. <br /> Overall, the board liked the language of the letter draft, and few revisions were requested. <br /> Because the letter would be signed only by the chair, Dr. Aparna Jonnal, a few minor edits were <br /> made for the sake of clarity (e.g., "On behalf of the Orange County Board of Health, I am <br /> writing" vs. "We are writing"). <br /> Motion to approve the letter and forward it to the Orange County Planning Board, the <br /> Orange County Planning Department, and the Board of County Commissioners was <br /> made by Dr. Lee Pickett, seconded by Dr. Alison Stuebe, and carried without dissent. Dr. <br /> Rachel Royce abstained from the vote. <br /> X. Reports and Discussion with Possible Action <br /> A. Vending Machines Update <br /> Ms. Stewart provided an update on the board's request to incorporate more healthy food options <br /> into county vending machines. Unfortunately, due to a reduction in foot traffic in county buildings <br /> related to the pandemic, the company that stocks the vending machines has decided it is not <br /> worthwhile to regularly refill the vending machines with any food, healthy or otherwise. Though <br /> the county has pursued an alternative contract, they were not able to find another vendor to <br /> replace the original one. Therefore, the county is planning to remove vending machines from all <br /> county buildings. <br /> Several board members suggested co-opting one or more of the vending machines and turning <br /> it into a harm-reduction station. Dr. Stuebe recommended stocking items like Narcan, condoms, <br /> and Plan B (Morning After) pills, while Dr. Royce encouraged stocking stress balls and jump <br /> ropes. Ms. Stewart clarified that Plan B is now available over the counter, which Commissioner <br /> Fowler and Dr. Stuebe affirmed. Ms. Phillips-Weiner noted that UNC has at least one vending <br /> machine that offers Plan B for less than what it costs at a pharmacy. <br /> Mr. Bagby mentioned that he has observed that schools generally have healthier food options in <br /> their vending machines compared to county government buildings (e.g., nuts, low-sugar, and <br /> S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agendas &Abstracts\2024 Agenda and Abstracts/ <br /> April Page 7 <br />