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42 <br /> INTENT OF DISCUSSION <br /> • NOT expecting Board to pick a specific <br /> scenario. <br /> • Instead, what balance do you want to strike <br /> between providing more programming today <br /> versus long-term funding stability? <br /> • How much specifically should the county <br /> reserve for nonprofit applications? <br /> • FY2025-26 Budget will include a more refined <br /> scenario based on this input. <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> NORTH CAROLINA <br /> Commissioner Richards said she appreciates this discussion before budget season. She <br /> said she supports separating county programs out from the competitive process. She said an <br /> evaluation of redundancy and opportunity for efficiencies is needed. <br /> Vice-Chair Greene said she agrees with separating the county funded programs out of the <br /> competitive funding process. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said she noticed on the timeline that when funds run out, it's about <br /> the same time that Morinaga's incentives end, and they start paying more tax revenue. She <br /> thinks PORT should continue and thinks it should be supported with this funding but agrees that <br /> some portion should be allocated for non-profits. <br /> Commissioner Portie-Ascott asked what measures are being used to ensure that the most <br /> impactful programs are being funded. <br /> Travis Myren said the PORT program has about five or six performance measures as does <br /> the NC FIT and Green Lantern Project. He said those measures will be looked at throughout the <br /> budget process to see how they are performing and then bring a recommendation to the Board <br /> as to whether they should continue receiving opioid funding or if they should be transitioned to <br /> general fund support. He said he will send the specific performance measures for the county- <br /> funded projects. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said it is great to track the county-funded projects to ensure <br /> efficiency, but also important to evaluate non-profit programs because there are limited funds and <br /> need to make sure they have the most impact. <br /> Travis Myren said two $20,000 grants were given to non-profits in the past. He said the <br /> question for the Board is whether to increase this amount. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said need to focus on county projects to ensure tracking and <br /> making sure they are evidence-based and impactful. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said what the county might be most interested in is prevention and <br /> programming for youth. She said when this funding runs out, there are other sources of funding <br /> for non-profits. She agrees they also need to have performance measures and demonstrate the <br /> impact. <br />