Orange County NC Website
Docusign Envelope ID : CO3CBB42 -6385 -4265 -A237- I BAD6C002EB8 <br /> in writing by the County . Any and all deductibles and SIR shall be the sole responsibility <br /> of PFPC and shall not apply to the County except as stated in this subsection . Policies <br /> shall NOT contain any SIR provision that limits the satisfaction of the SIR to PFPC . County <br /> reserves the right to obtain a copy of any policies and endorsements for verification . <br /> 8 . Ownership of Assets and County Obligations . <br /> 8 . 1 Ownership . <br /> ( a ) The ownership of buildings and real estate , technical and office equipment and <br /> facilities , furniture , displays , fixtures , and similar personal property owned by the County <br /> located at the Facility shall remain with the County . Ownership of equipment , furnishings , <br /> materials or fixtures not considered to be real property and other personal property <br /> purchased by PFPC with County funds for use at and for the Facility shall vest in the <br /> County automatically and immediately upon purchase or acquisition ; however , those <br /> purchased by PFPC with its own funds shall vest in PFPC automatically and immediately <br /> upon purchase or acquisition . The assets of the County as described herein shall not be <br /> pledged , liened , encumbered , or otherwise alienated or assigned by PFPC , its officers , <br /> agents , employees , or contractors . <br /> ( b ) Ownership of and title to all intellectual property rights of whatsoever value , related to <br /> the Facility in any way , shall remain the sole property of the County , with the exception of <br /> any inventions , original works of authorship , developments , improvements , trade secrets , <br /> products , or proprietary software developed by PFPC , or any PFPC contractor , licensee <br /> or user of the Facility , prior to the date of this Agreement or after the date of this <br /> Agreement ( " PFPC Inventions " ) . PFPC Inventions are not assigned to the County <br /> pursuant to this Agreement . <br /> ( c ) All Capital Equipment owned by the County as described in Exhibit A , as such may be <br /> amended from time to time , together with all Capital Equipment that may be purchased <br /> by the County , regardless of funding source , and installed in the Facility during the term <br /> of this Agreement shall vest in the County automatically . Unless purchased from the <br /> County by PFPC through a separate agreement , such Capital Equipment shall not be <br /> removed or disturbed by PFPC for any reason without the express written authorization <br /> of the County . <br /> ( d ) All Capital Equipment owned by PFPC as described in Exhibit A , together with all <br /> Capital Equipment that may be purchased by PFPC , unless such Capital Equipment is <br /> purchased for PFPC ' s use by the County , and installed in the Facility during the term of <br /> this Agreement shall vest in PFPC automatically . Capital Equipment purchased by the <br /> County for PFPC ' s use shall vest in the County upon purchase . <br /> ( 1 ) Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason other than the dissolution of <br /> PFPC or breach or uncured default by PFPC , PFPC may remove Capital <br /> Equipment owned by PFPC . PFPC shall be solely and fully responsible for any <br /> damage to the Facility caused by such removal , shall mitigate and repair such <br /> 14 <br />