Orange County NC Website
The related comments were that there are two communities in Orange County, and that northern <br />county still has more acute water/sewer and unemploytnent issues.. <br />Sectioa 2: Possible Strategies for Econoric Deve[opnrent in Orange Corenry <br />Over tl~e Next Five Years <br />At the same time they voted on the criteria for,judging economic development strategies, the <br />breakout groups were asked to react to and prioritize an initial list of 20 strategies that retreat <br />organizers culled from prior and recent plans and the fall poll. These are listed in Table 1, <br /> Table 1: Initial List of Economic Develo ment Strate ies for Consideration <br />1. Establish clear and criteria-based approval processes for local planning departments to use in considering <br /> develo ment and renovation rojects. <br />2. Welcome new and assist existing businesses that meet the county's development criteria -with outreach, <br /> reco ninon, and/or ex edited service. <br />3. Target the local loan pool (and other incentives?) to support the development of businesses that meet the <br /> coon 's develo ment criteria. <br />4 Partner actively with UNC and the NC Biotech Center to start, grow and recruit science and technology <br /> companies, especially related to life sciences and medical technology, to Carolina North and elsewhere in the <br /> coon . <br />5 Develop Carolina North as Orange County's centerpiece for innovation-based job creation, amactive <br /> architecture, enviro~unental conservation, and trans ortation, and link it to economic activity coon wide. <br />6. Tar et and su ort creative and rofessional services firms for the downtowns. <br />7. Work with local farmers on agricultural biotechnology applications, duough partnerships with UNC, N C. <br /> State Universi ,and the North Carolina Biotechnolo y Center. <br />8. Establish apublic-private-university partnership for economic development, with governance and funding <br /> from local government, business, and the university - to set, implement and be accountable for economic <br /> development strategy countywide - to replace or complement the current public Economic Development <br /> Commission. Exam les: Rockin ham & Burke Counties <br />9, Create more entertainment, arts and theater destinations in the towns, including galleries, studios, and <br /> edestrian districts. <br />10. Develo better infrastructure for tourism, conferences, s orts tournaments, incl. conference & meetin s ace <br />11. Build more arkin in the towns to su ort em to ers and merchants' customers. <br />12. Establish business- and university-driven teams to market the Economic Development Districts to clean <br /> industries within the Research Trian le Re Tonal Partnershi 's tar eted technolo y sectors. <br />13, Develop a comprehensive retail strategy and associated land use for the county; for example, to include <br /> specific large retailers in available shopping centers and numerous niche and boutique smaller retailers in the <br /> downtowns. <br />14, Work regionally with Durham, Raleigh and the Triangle Transit Authority to improve "alternative <br /> trans ortation" infrastructure, includin bus, transit and bic cle access, to and from Oran e Coun towns. <br />15 Increase density around transportation nodes (including infill development), improve transit among high- <br /> densi centers, and rotect o ens ace in rural areas. <br />16. Ex lore additional water su I sources and a reements. <br />17. Reduce the re ulatory barriers to moderate- riced housin > develo meet. <br />I8. Use the upcoming location of a Durham Tech campus in the county as the focal point for creating a model of <br /> effective spate is collaboration of workforce develo ment and economic develo ment Tannin . <br />19 Institute a more minority and immigrant-friendly policy, including help with starting ethnically diverse and/or <br /> international) -related businesses. <br />20. Establish an open and facilitated process for developing creative solutions and negotiating agreements among <br /> business, environmental and social justice rou s. <br />4 <br />