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43 <br /> 1 public did not want it. She said they are now talking with Davidson about the same site with a <br /> 2 different idea. <br /> 3 Commissioner Portie-Ascott clarified that years 3-7 are covered by the development <br /> 4 partner. <br /> 5 Marcia Perritt said yes and noted that it is the project that pays the fee rather than the local <br /> 6 government due to all of the predevelopment analysis. <br /> 7 Chair Bedford asked if they have done projects with three elected bodies as owners. <br /> 8 Marcia Perritt said they have worked in Morganton on the Broughton Hospital Campus. <br /> 9 She said that involved the City of Morganton, Burke County, many state departments and even <br /> 10 the community college. She said that is probably the closest with multiple owners/stakeholders. <br /> 11 She said that the State of North Carolina was the client in this case, so this will be a little different <br /> 12 with three owners, but they are excited and think that it will be a good experience. <br /> 13 Commissioner Richards asked if the master plan is complete. <br /> 14 Perdita Holtz said not yet but it will be unveiled on September 22"d <br /> 15 Commissioner Richards asked for clarification on what the product is, how it is conveyed <br /> 16 back to the boards, and the decision to be made from that. <br /> 17 Perdita Holtz said that DFI will provide a financial feasibility analysis on the plan that is <br /> 18 coming out of the community engagement process now. She said that once the analysis is <br /> 19 complete, there may be revisions to the plan because they will not know costs until the models <br /> 20 are provided from the DFI analysis report. She said that there is a refinement item on the consent <br /> 21 agenda tonight that allows refinements to the Master Plan as necessary. <br /> 22 Commissioner Richards said that she had spoken to the manager about this because she <br /> 23 was unsure why they were approving or authorizing changes when they were not even sure if <br /> 24 they would be needed at this point. <br /> 25 Perdita Holtz said that Thomas and Hutton is paid on an as-needed basis and that the <br /> 26 consent agenda item will allow them to continue to work knowing that they will be paid for that. <br /> 27 She noted that there is a not-to-exceed amount. <br /> 28 Marcia Perritt said the Buncombe County project was at a very similar stage when DFI <br /> 29 began working with them. She said they will test the viability of the plan in the market, construction <br /> 30 costs, and what the local governments are willing to pay. She said the master plan sets all of the <br /> 31 parameters they will explore. She said they may present them with a range of options for them to <br /> 32 consider for decision. She said the final plan always changes a little, so she is expecting that here. <br /> 33 Chair Bedford said one of the Strategic Goals is to emphasize affordable housing. She <br /> 34 asked if DFI will bring various scenarios of cost vs. affordable housing supply created. She said <br /> 35 it will be difficult because there are other affordable housing partners involved. <br /> 36 Marcia Perritt said that the Ferry Road project is 137 acres, so a bit smaller, but 65 of <br /> 37 those acres will be developed and 70 acres will be conserved. She said the 65 acres will be the <br /> 38 leading plan. She said they expect about 650 residential units with a mix of type and affordability. <br /> 39 She said that half will be restricted for affordability and that others will also be available for rent <br /> 40 rather than purchase. <br /> 41 Commissioner Fowler asked since they are including commercial and market rate housing <br /> 42 if the developers purchase the land that they build that on or if the government entity gives it to <br /> 43 them to discount the cost of affordable housing. <br /> 44 Marcia Perritt said that those will all be analyzed in their work. She said that with Ferry <br /> 45 Road, they first presented the commissioners with the extreme version. She said then they work <br /> 46 closely with the decision makers so they can go through and focus on what they want achieved <br /> 47 and understand why DFI presented the options and why the scale of public investment might be <br /> 48 necessary. She said there will be a menu of different scenarios presented. She said that they also <br /> 49 help them decide how they are going to manage if the property is sold, and how, or if the owners <br /> 50 keep the property, or possibly even phasing it in with options. She said there are so many different <br /> 51 possibilities, but their role is to help them understand what all of the possibilities are. <br />