Orange County NC Website
Existing Conditions ORANGE CGE OUNTY <br /> SIT PLAN <br /> census-designated urbanized area. Section 5307 funds can be The federal share is not to exceed 80 percent of the net project <br /> used towards up to 80% of capital costs and 50% of operating cost. <br /> costs. These funds are distributed through MPOs with a set <br /> allowance per transit agency. Carbon Reduction Program <br /> The Carbon Reduction Program is a new funding source through <br /> Section 5310 the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Funds are administered through <br /> Section 5310 is formula funding targeted towards transportation the NCDOT. The program provides funds for projects that reduce <br /> needs of older adults and people with disabilities. The federal carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the transportation sector. <br /> share is up to 80% for capital projects and 50% for operating <br /> assistance. Example uses of eligible Section 5310-funded activities Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality <br /> include the purchase of buses and vans, wheelchair lifts and The Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Improvement <br /> ramps, mobility management programs, travel training and Program is a long-standing source of grant funding for <br /> transit-related information technology systems, including transportation programs that reduce air pollution and vehicle <br /> scheduling, routing, and one-call systems. Section 5310 funds are miles travelled. It is often used by transit agencies for upfront <br /> reserved for agencies with locally coordinated human service capital costs, like the acquisition of on-demand vehicles. <br /> plans. <br /> Section 5311 State Sources <br /> Section 5311 is a formula grant program for rural areas, providing Rural Operating Assistance Program <br /> capital, planning, and operating assistance. The federal share is up <br /> to 80%for capital projects, 50% for operating assistance and 80% The Rural Operating Assistance Program (ROAP) is a state-funded <br /> for Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) non-fixed route public transportation program administered by the North <br /> paratransit service. Carolina DOT'S Integrated Mobility Division. Formula-based <br /> programs that fall under ROAP include: <br /> Section 5339 ■ Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Program <br /> Section 5339 is FTA's Bus and Bus Facilities Program. This (EDTAP) <br /> program funds replacement, rehabilitation and purchase of buses ■ Employment and Transportation Assistance Program <br /> and related equipment, and construction of bus-related facilities. (EMPL) <br /> ■ Rural General Public Program (RGP) <br /> Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates 5-2 <br />