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Existing Conditions ORA RANG ETRANSIT PLAN <br /> OUNTY <br /> 5 TRANSIT FUNDING <br /> Funding drives the amount of transit service EXPENSES AND REVENUES <br /> and capital projects Orange County can <br /> provide its residents, workers, and visitors. In Fiscal Year (FY) 2022, OCTS spent approximately $2.3 million on <br /> all its expenses, for both fixed route and demand response <br /> This chapter review OCTS's annual expenses and revenues, services (Figure 33). Partly due to inflation, expenses in FY2023 <br /> including a look at the agency's current federal, state, and local totaled approximately $3.7 million. For both years, personnel <br /> funding mechanisms. It also begins to explore other potential costs were highest, followed by operating costs. Capital purchases <br /> funding sources for future transit improvements. Key takeaways made up the smallest proportion of the total expenses. <br /> include: <br /> As shown in Figure 34, OCTS made approximately $2.2 million in <br /> ■ OCTS's expenses exceed revenues, creating a funding gap revenues in FY2022 and $2.5 million in FY2023. About 13% of <br /> that makes it difficult to provide needed transit services. revenues came from the federal government, with a mix of 5307 <br /> ■ OCTS utilizes federal, state, and local funding sources. and 5311 funds.Just under 10% came from North Carolina's Rural <br /> Over 75% of funds come from local sources, including the Operating Assistance Program (ROAP). Over 75% of funds came <br /> Orange County Transit Tax and other county funds. from local sources, including Orange County government funds, <br /> ■ There are other federal, state, and local funds that OCTS Orange County Transit Plan transit tax reimbursements, fares, and <br /> can utilize to increase its revenues. charges for services. Fares made up about 1% of OCTS revenues. <br /> Figure 32: FY2022 and FY2023 OCTS Expenses <br /> FY2022 FY2023 <br /> Category Demand Response Fixed Route Total Demand Response Fixed Route Total <br /> Administrative $186,733 $80,028 $266,761 $338,612 $207,789 $546,401 <br /> Operating $591,229 $253,384 $844,613 $944,214 $513,389 $1,457,603 <br /> Capital $4,766 $2,042 $6,808 $0 $192,434 $192,434 <br /> Personnel $978,338 $244,585 $1,222,923 $1,184,426 $296,106 $1,480,532 <br /> Total Expenses $1,761,066 $335,454 $2,341,105 $1,282,826 $913,612 $3,676,970 <br /> Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates 5-1 <br />