Orange County NC Website
Existing Conditions ORANGE CGE OUNTY <br /> SIT PLAN <br /> Route Performance Orange-Chapel Hill Connector <br /> The Orange-Alamance Connector was the lowest performing <br /> OCTS fixed-route service pre-pandemic, with 45 total boardings in Route Description <br /> October 2019. In October 2023, operating as an on-demand The Orange-Chapel Hill Midday Connector (OCH), also known as <br /> service, 16 trips were attributed to the Orange-Alamance the "Hill to Hill", connects Hillsborough and Chapel Hill during the <br /> Connector. As shown in Figure 23, all but two of those boardings weekday AM peak and the midday period when the peak-only <br /> were at the Efland-Cheeks Community Center. GoTriangle Route 420 is not operating. The OCH operates along <br /> Hwy 86, serving downtown Hillsborough, UNC Hospital <br /> Opportunities Hillsborough Campus and Durham Tech Community College, <br /> The Orange-Alamance Connector has limited service hours, Eubanks Park and Ride, and key destinations in Chapel Hill, as well <br /> operating outside of core travel times, with potentially confusing as additional local stops. The route operates Monday to Friday <br /> differences from the peak-period service offered by the from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. <br /> GoTriangle ODX. While the route is not operating on the ground, <br /> the OCTS website does not show it as suspended or replaced by Route Performance <br /> demand response. Midday service along this corridor may be Due to data collection complications, accurate October 2023 <br /> better served by demand response or microtransit service, ridership information is not available for the OCH, so the analysis <br /> integrating the trips into the already existing alternatives and looks at February data from 2020 and 2024. In February 2024, <br /> better advertising the service to the public. there were 243 boardings for the route total, compared to 546 <br /> Mebane is a growing area with strong pockets of density that may boardings in February 2020. 64% of the recent boardings <br /> be supportive of fixed route transit service, but even when the occurred on southbound trips, and northbound trips were more <br /> Orange-Alamance Connector is fully operational, there is limited common in the late morning to early afternoon, whereas <br /> bus service available locally. southbound trips were distributed evenly across the day. Figure <br /> 24 shows the distribution of average daily boardings by hour for <br /> the Orange-Chapel Hill Connector for February 2020 and <br /> February 2024. <br /> Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates 4-7 <br />