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47 <br /> Existing Conditions ORA RANGE TROUNTY <br /> 4 EXISTING SERVICE ASSESSMENT <br /> The Existing Service Assessment looks at the The Orange-Chapel Hill Connector runs between <br /> Hillsborough and Chapel Hill during the middle of the day <br /> current state of transportation services when Chapel Hill Transit's Route 420 is not running. There <br /> offered by OCTS, identifying trends in service could be opportunities to improve efficiency by ensuring <br /> delivery and usage. there is no duplicate service. <br /> ■ OCTS's on-demand service is underutilized, possibly due <br /> This analysis consists of two key components, a System Overview, to the rider registration process and lack of information <br /> which explores OCTS's services as a holistic network, and Service available directly on OCTS's website. <br /> Profiles, which delves deeper into each individual service offered <br /> by OCTS. SYSTEM OVERVIEW <br /> Some key takeaways from the existing service assessment are: <br /> ■ OCTS offers service in the form of three fixed routes— Services Available <br /> Hillsborough Circulator, Orange-Alamance Connector, <br /> and Orange-Chapel Hill Connector—and demand OCTS operates the following services: <br /> response. ■ Three fixed routes: Hillsborough Circulator, Orange- <br /> ■ Ridership on OCTS's fixed route and demand response Alamance Connector, Orange-Chapel Hill Connector <br /> services has not recovered from the decrease due to the ■ Rural Demand Response Service <br /> COVID-19 pandemic. E Mobility on Demand microtransit service <br /> ■ The Hillsborough Circulator is OCTS's highest performing ■ ADA Complementary Paratransit <br /> fixed route. Utilizing only one vehicle, the route runs <br /> hourly as that is the time it takes for the vehicle to Each OCTS route and service has different hours of operation, <br /> complete the loop, ultimately resulting in the route though all fixed route buses are scheduled to operate hourly <br /> frequently running late. throughout their service period. Figure 16 depicts the service span <br /> and frequency for the three fixed route services as well as the two <br /> ■ The Orange-Alamance connector is currently partially demand response service types. <br /> suspended and covered by demand response service. <br /> Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates 4-1 <br />