Agenda - 10-15-2024; 5-a - Short Range Transit Plan
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Agenda - 10-15-2024 Business Meeting
Agenda - 10-15-2024; 5-a - Short Range Transit Plan
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10/10/2024 1:32:50 PM
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10/10/2024 11:40:44 AM
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Agenda for October 15, 2024 BOCC Meeting
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Existing Conditions ORASHORT NGE CGE OUN�Y <br /> SIT PIAN <br /> 2 REVIEW OF PAST PLANS AND PROJECTS <br /> Past plans establish a baseline understanding Burlington-Graham MPO (BGMPO) <br /> of transit projects and programs considered Comprehensive Transportation Plan (2022) <br /> or planned for Orange County and the region. BGMPO's Comprehensive Transportation Plan is the MPO's long- <br /> range plan that identifies major transportation needs and <br /> Reviewing past plans and projects is a critical first step to guiding solutions through 2050. The recommendations in this plan are not <br /> existing conditions work.The previously published plans and funded or fiscally constrained, unlike other regional <br /> policies reviewed included transit plans, climate plans, funding comprehensive plans. The plan includes recommendations for <br /> studies, and more, all of which focused on Orange County and/or transit infrastructure and service improvements for the Burlington, <br /> the surrounding region. The review focused on both specific Graham, and Mebane areas, with a few recommendations for <br /> transit service recommendations and higher-level funding and Orange County. These recommendations consist of creating a <br /> goals. Mebane Connector; a Mebane to Hillsborough Commuter Rail; <br /> This review sets the stage for the existing conditions analysis by enhancing service on the Orange-Alamance Connector; and <br /> providing a baseline and history of projects, changes, and future improving and adding new park and rides. <br /> visions. The following section provides a brief overview of the <br /> plans reviewed and the information that is directly relevant to the BGMPO 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan <br /> SRTP effort. The full review can be found in Appendix A. (2020) <br /> The BGMPO 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan is the <br /> Orange County Transit Plan (2017) and Update transportation plan for the Burlington-Graham region, which <br /> (2022) consists of the cities and towns of Burlington, Graham, Mebane, <br /> The Orange County Transit Plan from 2017 and its subsequent Elon, Gibsonville, Green Level, Haw River, Whitsett, Alamance; <br /> update in 2022 provide an overview of the county's transit goals Alamance County; and parts of Guilford and Orange Counties. <br /> through a single funding source. It includes information on This plan identifies the transportation needs over the next two <br /> service improvements that are planned to be funded through the decades and provides multimodal recommendations for <br /> County's transit tax for OCTS, GoTriangle, and Chapel Hill Transit. improvements. <br /> Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates 2-1 <br />
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