Agenda - 04-29-2004-4a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-29-2004
Agenda - 04-29-2004-4a
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9/2/2008 12:35:34 AM
Creation date
8/29/2008 10:41:17 AM
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<br />n <br />~_ ~-=~; <br />Greater Triangle Regional Council <br />Air Quality Recommendations <br />Establish, or identify an organization, with the long-term objective of coordinating air quality <br />education and outreach in the Triangle region. organizational focus includes: <br />• Develop highly visible program that motivates citizens to take action that reduces air <br />pollution and maintains healthy air <br />(Targeting individual behavior change and supporting private sector TDM plans) <br />• Educate the region an: health affects of air pollution, financial impact on the economy <br />(Crop damage and loss, business closings, expansion restricfions, and lost opportunities <br />for attracting new business due to nonattainment designation) <br />• Coordinate Air Quality initiatives iri the region <br />(Bring together all Air Quality oriented groups /initiatives under one program through <br />Air Quality branding) <br />• Advise governmental entities on Air Quality issues <br />Development of "Clean Air Resolution" for adoption and endorsement by all cities and counties <br />in the region. This resolution would state the desire to achieve and maintain clean healthful air <br />for the well being of area citizens, economic vitality of the community, and preservation of <br />quality of life, <br />County and municipal governments in the non-attainment region share resources and information <br />to develop a set of policies and voluntary measures that will improve Air Quality in their region, <br />4, Continue regional growth planning that preserves open space, curbs sprawl, and <br />supports mixed use development, encourages density along major transportation corridors <br />and reduces size of industrial campuses. <br />5. Identify niche fleets for the accelerated penetration of altemative fuels and support necessary <br />expansion of alternative fuel infrastructure. Utilize diesel retrofit options to curb harmful <br />pollutants. <br />6. Enhance, and promote the Triangle's regional transit plan, including the future regional rail <br />transit system, which has been designed to provide multiple transportation options to the <br />public, as well as other transit iniflatives such as HOV lanes, increased bicycle and pedestrian <br />access etc, <br />7. Establish employer goaUincentive programs that will reduce vehicle miles traveled by <br />offering; compressed work weeks, flexible work hours, caz pool matching data bases, transit <br />strbsidies, telecommuting or other commute strategies, <br />
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