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representation from that demographic. Stancil informed that he could not recall a time <br /> where the Council did not have representation from the 55+ demographic. Reyman <br /> asked if it would be appropriate to endorse the sentiment of the letter, without <br /> changing the code of ordinances and if staff could write a letter back, reflecting on <br /> sentiments to increase diversity on the Council. The Council agreed that staff should <br /> write a letter back, agreeing that they will consider it moving forward. <br /> Old Business <br /> a. Priority Agenda Items: Stancil discussed some of the items that the Council had <br /> included in the annual workplan, as items to be addressed this year. Some of the items <br /> have been completed or are in progress and he offered an update on those. Parker <br /> referenced the Mountains to Sea Trail, and asked how the Council could support the <br /> completion of it. Stancil offered to provide more updates, but as of right now, the <br /> completion of the trail is hinging on continued land acquisition. Stancil did suggest one <br /> area of need - to send a letter to NCDOT to request pedestrian signage and flashing <br /> lights on the Dimmock's Mill bridge crossing over 1-85/40. The bridge is rather narrow, <br /> and pedestrians will need to cross. NCDOT can install flashing lights and an activated <br /> button to indicate a passing pedestrian on the bridge to increase caution. Other <br /> organizations, such as the Friends of the MST, can be engaged. Ziemba sought more <br /> information on the Bike/Ped Plan. Stancil offered to invite Nish Trivedi, County <br /> Transportation Director, to speak to the Council in December on this. <br /> b. Final Budget and CIP Approval —Stancil presented an update on the finalized budget <br /> and update on the Capital Investment Plan (CIP). In June, Stancil indicated to the Council <br /> that the Department was faced with a reduction in the budget, as well as a hiring freeze. <br /> The department had a 6% budget reduction, which mostly impacted funding for travel <br /> and training, as well as capital requests. The budget was approved in June. The <br /> Department is still operating at the same level of programming. In regard to the CIP, <br /> many of the projects have been pushed back, but funding for nutrient reduction in the <br /> Falls Lake Basin, as well as Parks and Recreation Facility Renovations have been funded. <br /> The Millhouse Road soccer center project is scheduled for design in 2025/2026, with <br /> construction in 2027, but complications in securing funding partners might require <br /> revisiting this. There is also a project farther out to expand the Center. <br /> Report of the Director <br /> a. Project/Program Updates—Stancil informed that construction on Perry Hills Mini-Park <br /> has begun. A bid for the Fairview tennis courts is going back out. A design for the disc <br /> golf course at Blackwood Farm Park is being finalized, as well as a design for the bike <br /> skills course at Little River Regional Park. There is going to be a bench dedication <br /> ceremony for John Blackfeather Jeffries at the Occoneechi Village replica at River Park. <br /> Council and Committee Reports <br /> a. Intergovernmental Parks Work Group —next meeting: October 9 <br /> b. Items for the Council/Sharing of Volunteer Opportunities — none <br />