Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> quality, accuracy and timely completion and submission of all work related to the <br /> Basic Services. <br /> ii) Provider shall be responsible for all errors or omissions of its agents, contractors, <br /> employees, or assigns in the performance of the Agreement. Provider shall correct <br /> any and all errors, omissions, discrepancies, ambiguities, mistakes or conflicts at <br /> no additional cost to the County. <br /> iii) The Provider shall not, except as otherwise provided for in this Agreement, <br /> subcontract the performance of any work under this Agreement without prior <br /> written permission of the County. No permission for subcontracting shall create, <br /> between the County and the subcontractor, any contract or any other relationship. <br /> iv) Provider is an independent contractor of County. Any and all employees of the <br /> Provider engaged by the Provider in the performance of any work or services <br /> required of the Provider under this Agreement, shall be considered employees or <br /> agents of the Provider only and not of the County, and any and all claims that may <br /> or might arise under any workers compensation or other law or contract on behalf <br /> of said employees while so engaged shall be the sole obligation and responsibility <br /> of the Provider. <br /> v) If activities related to the performance of this Agreement require specific licenses, <br /> certifications, or related credentials Provider represents that it or its employees, <br /> agents and subcontractors engaged in such activities possess such licenses, <br /> certifications, or credentials and that such licenses certifications, or credentials are <br /> current, active, and not in a state of suspension or revocation. <br /> Should this Agreement itwelve pr-ejeet designs, the eenstrdetion of efe4ien 0 <br /> whieh is to be bid oot o other-r—eeiraueter-, and bidding o egetiation <br /> witrreeatr-aet6ispr-o"e ees Vhieh, when addedrt6 other- cro nts of fmh <br /> , <br /> pr-ojeet eest,the Pr-ovider-shall p th the County in negotiation and design <br /> adjustments to the extent such af!e neeessaf!y to obtain priees within the appr-o <br /> total pr-ojeet eost. All aetivity of the Provider- with r-espeet to these Fnatter-s sh <br /> eompensation. if negotiation and design adjustments fail to bring eosts within the <br /> total pr-ojeet eost the Gotmty may fejeet all bids and Pr-ovidef will redesign or-fed <br /> pot4ions of the pr-ojeet in an effort to r-e"ee the bid pr-iees to within the total pr-oj <br /> cost and r-ebid the pFojeet. One such redesign is included within Basic Ser-Viees. 1-f <br /> this seeond letting for-bids does not pr-o"ee bids that are within the approved tota4 <br /> to an amount within the total pr-ojeet eost, the Provider-is not obligated to engag <br /> 3. Basic Services <br /> a. Basic Services. <br /> Revised 01/24 2 <br />