Orange County NC Website
Article 3: Base Zoning Districts 6 <br /> Section 3.7: Economic Development Districts <br /> F-11 W-1 IF-3 117-11 N.'= <br /> Lot size, min., (square 20,000 <br /> • feet) <br /> • • A • <br /> Lot Width, min. (feet) 100 <br /> _ - Front Setback from ROW, 50 <br /> min. (feet) <br /> The purpose of the Economic Development Hillsborough Linear <br /> Office (EDH-1)District is to provide locations for low to moderately <br /> intense medical, professional, administrative and government office Side Setback, min. (feet) 15[1] <br /> on small to mid-sized sites in the designated Hillsborough Economic <br /> Development District. <br /> The district is intended to be located on the periphery of established <br /> residential areas and along major and minor thoroughfares.The Corner Setback, min. 40 [1] [2] <br /> district is established to provide convenient locations for offices, the (feet) <br /> size and operating characteristics of which require limited parking <br /> and which generate little traffic. <br /> Standards are designed so that this district may serve as a <br /> transitional land use between residential districts and higher, more Rear Setback, min. (feet) 50[1] <br /> intense land uses. <br /> APPLICABILITY <br /> Height, max. (feet) 30 [3] <br /> This district will usually be applied where the following conditions Floor Area Ratio, max. 7NR[4] 45 <br /> exist: <br /> 1. This district will be applied in the Hillsborough Economic Required Open Space .55 <br /> Development District. Ratio, min. <br /> 2. This district shall only be applied where water and sewer are Gross Land Area, <br /> available at the site or are to be made available to the site as part of min./max. none <br /> the development approval process. (square feet) <br /> DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS NOTES: Required <br /> [1] Required side and rear setbacks adjacent to residentially zoned Pedestrian/Landscape NR .05 <br /> land shall be equal to the required side or rear setback of the Ratio, min. <br /> adjacent residential district. <br /> [2]Any corner lot having an abutting interior lot on its side street <br /> shall observe a front yard setback from both streets provided, <br /> however,that this requirement does not reduce the width suitable for <br /> a building on said lot to less than 25 feet. (See graphic in Section <br /> 6.2.7). <br /> [3]Two feet of additional height shall be allowed for one foot <br /> increase of the required front and side setbacks. <br /> [4] R= residential, NR= non-residential <br /> DEVELOPMENTEDH-1 DISTRICT SPECIFIC STANDARDS <br /> 1. Uses shall be restricted to those indicated for the EDH-1 District in Section 5.2, unless a Conditional District is approved <br /> (see Section 3.8). Additionally, non-residential uses are restricted based on the Watershed Protection Overlay District in <br /> which the property is located. Refer to Section 4.2.3 for land use restrictions. Uses Permitted by Right require the <br /> Orange County, North Carolina—Unified Development Ordinance Page 3-50 <br />