Orange County NC Website
Article 6: Development Standards28 <br /> Section 6.8: Landscaping, Buffers&Tree Protection <br /> (1) A continuous poured-in-place concrete curb shall be provided around landscape <br /> islands. <br /> (2) Where vehicles will extend over landscape islands, such islands shall be <br /> increased two and one-half feet in depth by decreasing the length of the parking <br /> stall the same distance. <br /> (3) When grading a site for parking purposes, runoff from parking areas must be <br /> infiltrated through grass lined swales or porous-fill retention areas rather than <br /> directing the flow to natural wetlands. <br /> (4) Pedestrian ways are to be buffered with intermediate landscape between <br /> sidewalks and right-of-way travel lane. <br /> (5) Hillsborough EDD <br /> (a) When parking lots abut a public or private right-of-way or easement, a <br /> 35-foot landscape area is required, except as otherwise specified. <br /> (b) Landscaping islands having a minimum area of 1000 sq. ft. (vary by size <br /> tree) shall be provided at a minimum interval of every ten parking spaces <br /> and at the ends of all rows of parking. <br /> (E) Plant Materials <br /> In addition to the requirements contained in Section 6.8.5, projects in Economic <br /> Development Districts shall require the following: <br /> (1) All areas not paved or built upon shall be landscaped with trees, shrubs, and <br /> lawns. <br /> (2) Large uninterrupted areas of gravel or bark mulch or bare soil are prohibited. <br /> (3) Whenever possible, existing vegetation shall be preserved. <br /> (4) If existing vegetation is not preserved, no fewer than the number of trees per <br /> acre specified in the section, "Plant Size and Distribution," shall be planted, not <br /> counting trees planted in parking lot islands smaller than 500 square feet. <br /> (a) "Large"trees are those referred to as "Canopy Trees" and/or"Evergreen <br /> Trees" in Section 6.8.5. <br /> (b) "Small'trees are those referred to as "Deciduous Understory Trees" <br /> and/or"Evergreen Understory Trees" in Section 6.8.5. <br /> (5) All irrigation systems are to be below ground, fully automated systems in <br /> compliance with all applicable building code requirements. <br /> (6) All backflow control devices are to be located or screened so that they are not <br /> visible from streets, parking lot or pedestrian areas. <br /> (7) Along utility rights-of-way, planting must not disrupt service or access to <br /> overhead or underground equipment. <br /> Orange County, North Carolina—Unified Development Ordinance Page 6-54 <br />