Agenda - 04-26-2004- 9
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-26-2004
Agenda - 04-26-2004- 9
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8/29/2008 10:41:12 AM
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Regarding joining the N.C. SECURE collaboration, N.C. SECURE is a co-op where a number of districts <br />across the state have selective venders and jointly purchase food. Membership would provide access to <br />specific buying options for the district; suggest the item state the iwo systems will "explore" joining NC <br />SERVE. <br />Regarding the new paradigm for' SRO's which did not make the cut on two separate votes, do not want this <br />item to get lost; the County Manager is working on a new paradigm that the BOCC can help with that could <br />possibly help cover this area, The two school systems could also look. at the possibility of how the two <br />systems respond to crisis; i.e., extra needs of personnel, support, etc. <br />Board members placed colored dots by each azea of collaboration indicating levels of interest. It was agreed <br />by consensus for Keith Cook to place dots on areas of interest for absent Board member Libbie Bough at her <br />request. <br />1. Tmnsportation operation - 0 <br />2. .Joint opportunities for professional development - 9 <br />3. Working relationship: ensure that communication is healthy, open and trusting - 6 <br />4. A shazed definition of "mandate:" which budget items are required by state and federal authorities, <br />which items are otherwise necessary to operations, which fall into neither category, ? - 1 <br />5 Guidelines for using any additional funds that would be generated if new revenues were created ("new <br />paradigm") - 5 <br />6. Coordinated implementation of middle college program and/or more extensive dual enrollment <br />programs with local community colleges, taking advantage of Durham Tech's Orange County campus <br />to the greatest extent possible - 8 <br />7. Alternative school programming, other than a single alternative school for students in both district - 5 <br />8, A plan to institute regulaz meetings between the superintendents and their respective staffs to examine <br />areas of mutual educational interest and potential cooperation, including an annual report to the public <br />on their progress at working together - 2 <br />9. Create more eazly childhood programs - 6 <br />10. Explore inter-district magnet Year Round school programs (include in survey) - 2 <br />11. A strategy for' promoting meaningful contracts between children in the respective school systems on <br />an ongoing basis beyond athletics - 0 <br />12. Measurable opportunities for students in each district to participate in programs in the other district <br />that are not now currently available to them; e g. CHCCS AP courses, OCS vocational courses, OCS <br />IB program - 8 <br />13. Next steps based on feedback received from a new joint educational opportunities survey - I <br />14. Proposals from independent parties to conduct an analysis of opportunities for increased efficiency <br />afforded by joint operations of services such as transportation, child nutrition, purchasing, and <br />maintenance. Seek financial support from BOCC to complete the study once a consultant is elected -1 <br />15. Participate in developing an inclusive structure to address issues related to the citing and planning of <br />facilities - 3 <br />16, After School Programming - 7 <br />17. Explore joining N.C. Secure Collaboration - 2 <br />18. Explore creating a middle school athletic conference - 6 <br />19. School district collaboration in planning and in response to crises - 1 <br />20. Shared library circulation - 0 <br />21, New pazadigm for SRO's - 8 <br />The top five areas receiving the lighest level of interest are: 2, 6, 12, 16 and 21. Recognizing that a1121 areas <br />received high votes to get on the list and not wanting any item not receiving a vote to be deemed an item that <br />4 <br />
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