Orange County NC Website
challenges is that small, unique classes are best; need to look at other districts who have <br />programs in place such as Guilford County; need to consider the sense of comnrrmity that is <br />desired for students; kids in Phoenix like the small size. <br />Facilitator notes: <br />Proximity and accessibility <br />Share administration? <br />Growth <br />Urgency <br />Central office staff see challenges <br />Small class size helps children along <br />L,oolc at what others are doing <br />Consider sense of conununity <br />Teacher turnover <br />10. A plan to institute regular° meetings between the superintendents and their respective staffs to <br />examine areas of mutual educatimral interest and potential cooperation, including an amoral <br />report to the public on their progress at working together. <br />Superintendent Pedersen (CHCCS) reviewed the item by stating the item is self explanatory. <br />Discussion/connnents: none. <br />Facilitator's notes: <br />None <br />11. Early childhood prograzns. <br />Superintendent Carraway (OCS) reviewed the item by stating both districts realize the need For <br />mare. Both districts feel the need to maintain current prograzns in place. There are children not <br />being served,. We need to add to what is in place. <br />Discussioir/cornments: need to keep what we have; need to start a new conversation with the <br />Board of County Commissioners about keeping early childhood programs, We need to talk <br />about capacity and how to plan. <br />Facilitator notes: <br />To BOCC: Keep early childhood programs in schools and plan for better capacity <br />Already collaborating on this <br />12. Awareness by parents in the City schools to the features of the County year round schools at <br />Hillsborough Elementary and Stanback Middle School. <br />Superintendent Pedersen (CHCCS) reviewed the item by stating that CHCCS has considered <br />year-round schools for several years and bas not pursued due to lack of interest, <br />Discussior>/comments: CHCCS has learned from OCS, We are not resistant to conversations <br />but do not see a need to do anything differently at this time; OCS has a waiting list at <br />-6- <br />