Orange County NC Website
Facilitator notes: <br />Consistency <br />7. Guidelines for using any additional funds that would be generated if new revenues were created, <br />for example tluough a cowrtywide district tax ("new paradigm?"). <br />Superintendent Carraway (OCS) reviewed the item by stating the Boards could agree on areas to <br />pursue in a collaborative mamier that the Board of County Commissioners could set aside a poi <br />of money to support.. <br />Discussioi>/conunents: as we discussed under #3, the Board of County Commissioners could set <br />aside a pot of money for designated items; need to redefine the issue of nurses; does the <br />inclusion of the plu-ase "countywide district tax" raise a red flag or does it help?; might be better <br />to delete that phrase <br />Facilitator notes: <br />Also see #.3 - "redefine" issue re: nurses <br />"New paradigm" -special pot of money <br />"New paradigm" - provides a way to allocate funding but not per pupil basis <br />hlcentives to collaborate <br />Delete "For example , .." ? <br />Coordinated implementation of middle college program and/or more extensive dual enrollment <br />programs with local conmmnity college, taking advantage of Durham Tech's Orange County <br />campus to the greatest extent possible. <br />Superintendent Pedersen (CHCCS) reviewed the item by stating the middle college program is <br />an excellent opportunity for collaboration -probably not something one system could do alone <br />Discussion/comments: both systems are already working on this; Allied Health Program is <br />already being worked on also. <br />Facilitator notes: <br />Already working on <br />9. Alternative school programming, other than a single alternative school for students in both <br />districts. <br />Superintendent Carraway (OCS) reviewed the item by stating it would be helpful to share <br />programmatic information. There are lots of ways to collaborate here. We need to serve our <br />students. <br />Discussion/conunents: the Orange County Schools district goes all the way to Alamance <br />County. Alamance, Person and Chatham also abuts our district. Would there be some benefit to <br />a central location?; we could share administration; we need to grow; as wonderful as Phoenix <br />Academy is here in CHCCS now, it was started in a mobile unit. Think through potential cost of <br />the distance factor; one of the things that is important in looking at alternative schooling <br />-5- <br />