Orange County NC Website
Discussion comments: this would be beneficial for both districts to define; funding could come <br />from other sources to flee up school funding; this fits nicely under #7. <br />Facilitator notes: <br />Concern: needs of students within each district <br />Redefine: look at extras, like nurses, resource officers, social workers, psychologists, any <br />support <br />services persomiel <br />Separate funding stream <br />4, Joint opportunities for professional development. <br />Superintendent Pedersen (CHCCS) reviewed the item by stating each system could invite the <br />other system to participate by sharing of workshops and using some of our own resources. <br />Discussionr/comments: this is self explanatory. <br />Facilitator's notes: none. <br />5, Working relationship: ensure that communication is healthy, open and trusting. <br />Superintendent Carraway (OCS) reviewed the item by stating the item is self-explanatory-look <br />at the Preamble. <br />Discussion/comments: a working relationship between the two boards?; should be all tluee <br />boards; this meeting here shows that there bas never been any animosity or adversity between <br />the two boards; this makes a case for continued meetings between these two boards because the <br />two boards have shown that we do not have to be forced to meet nor do we have a difficult time <br />talking; it is helpful to meet together face to face; we need to trust each other because we all <br />have something to bring to the table. <br />Facilitator notes: <br />No animosity between the two boards -continue meeting <br />We don't have to be forced, nor do we find it difficult to talk <br />Face to face? What do you mean? The ]Hunan element,. <br />Mutual respect across the tlu~ee Boards <br />Trusting our opinions <br />Who has the last say in educational matters <br />6. A shared definition of "mandate:" which budget items are required by state and federal <br />authorities, which items are otherwise necessary to operations, which fall into neither category? <br />Superintendent Pedersen (CHCCS) reviewed the item by stating sometimes the Boards of <br />Education think mandates apply to different things than what the Board of County <br />Conunissioners think, <br />Discussioi>/comments: there needs to be consistency in the mandates. <br />4- <br />