Orange County NC Website
Facilitator Sachs reviewed the proposed ground rules as follows: <br />One speaker at a time <br />Stick to task and topic <br />Listen attentively to the speaker <br />Share the floor with other group members <br />It is o,lc to disagree...please do so respectfully <br />Strive for unanimous consent, but accept 75% approval by group members present at time of vote <br />for final decision making <br />All members were in agreement on the ground axles to be followed <br />Facilitator Sachs stated be will not contribute his ideas to the discussion. He also asked that persons <br />who maybe offended by anything he might say should feel free to say so and that he would <br />likewise aslc for permission to point out if he thinks persons are not following the <br />agenda rules/straying from the topic. <br />All members were in agreement with the facilitator's requests. <br />Facilitator Sachs refen-ed Board members to the grid entitled Suggested Areas of Collaboration <br />outlining eighteen items as possible areas of collaboration. Board members discussed each item as <br />follows: <br />1. Transportation operations. <br />Superintendent Carraway (OCS) reviewed the item by stating that joint funding is received and <br />that the two school systems do have,joint maintenance responsibilities. The two systems share <br />in staffing and rating and communicate frequently, especially when it comes to weather. The <br />efficiency rating combines both districts. <br />Discussioi>/comments: some persons who do not know may not realize the two systems <br />collaborate; it may be helpful to identify collaborative areas for public knowledge; two <br />mechanics from OCS work at CHCCS garage; it is a monetary savings to have two physical <br />plant locations in the county; is what we are doing making sense? Should/should not <br />transportation operations be expanded?; the systems are currently working on efficiency rating <br />and will continue to do so to boost the rating-this is significant as it generates funding; <br />efficiency rating is based on multiple factors -number of buses, how they are run, etc; having <br />two separate garages makes sense but we should still look at co-housing of a garage facility for <br />any possible benefit; if both plants are in good shape, that maybe the simplest answer; it would <br />be inefficient to route buses from one facility, even if it is located in the center of the County.. <br />Facilitator notes: <br />Identify areas already collaborating on <br />Question co-housing garage, co-locating to a proximity is a concenx <br />Floating staff? <br />A model to build upon <br />Retutn to this if moving students becomes relevant <br />2. Co-housing central office staff. <br />-2- <br />