Orange County NC Website
Article 6: Development Standards23 <br /> Section 6.8: Landscaping, Buffers&Tree Protection <br /> All screening installation shall comply with NC State Building Codes and provide <br /> clearance around onsite utilities and equipment to allow for accessibilitV for maintenance <br /> purposes. Features and uses specified above shall provide a visual obstruction from <br /> adjacent properties in conformance with the following standards: <br /> (1) The screen may be composed solely of view-obscuring vegetation used <br /> fndividualty, or in combination with a wall, semi-opaque fence, or berm. The <br /> screen height shall be eight feet from the ground, except that utilities and trash <br /> handling facilities shall be screened to the height of the facilities plus six inches. <br /> (2) A minimum opacity of at least 80% that obscures views from the ground to the <br /> height of the object being screened shall be attained. <br /> (3) Plant materials shall be at least two feet tall at the time of installation and reach <br /> the desired height within three years of planting. <br /> (4) Except for screening around roof-top equipment, one upright shrub of an <br /> evergreen species shall be installed per four linear feet of any wall,o4fence, or <br /> trash/recycling enclosure that faces off-site. <br /> (5) Trash and recycling containers must be contained within a gated, durable apA <br /> attractive enclosure, compatible with building architecture. Shrubs shall be <br /> Nplanted around the fn ndatk) <br /> (C) Fences and Walls <br /> (1) Fences and walls shall not be required to adhere to the setback requirements <br /> detailed within this Ordinance but shall be IGGated „n the property of the <br /> 0 ndinvoclual TeGtingthe "f""^f"e. <br /> (2) FeRees and walls shall be c-Ompaf;hle with build;n aFGhitGGtUFe. <br /> {3}(2) Fences and walls shall be setback a minimum of ten feet from any property line <br /> adjoining a road right-of-way, either public or private, to ensure adequate site <br /> visibility. <br /> {4}(3) Fences shall not exceed 12 feet in height. <br /> {5}(4) Privacy fences shall be erected to that support posts and slats are visible and <br /> accessible from the individual's property that erected the structure. <br /> �6}15) Chain link fencing is not permitted in areas visible from adjacent properties, <br /> parking areas, street or pedestrian walkways unless it is screened through use of <br /> evergreen shrubs at a density of four(4)shrubs for every 100 feet. <br /> (D) Credit for Other Landscaping <br /> Plant material in project boundary buffers may be counted towards the planting <br /> requirements of this section when located to serve both functions. <br /> Landscape and Tree Preservation Plan <br /> (A) Whenever land development for which a site plan, S^8^ial use pen2R,f nnPD-CD Master <br /> Plan, pre!'FR'RaFy plot OR the Gase f major s b diViSi R8 or a final plat i^ theGase of m <br /> iRGF <br /> subd+visfsns, is required except Exempt or Expedited Subdivisions, as provided by <br /> Sections 7.2.1 and 7.2.2 of this Ordinance, a landscape and tree preservation plan <br /> meeting the requirements of this Section must be submitted for review and approval in <br /> accordance with the provisions in Article 2 of this Ordinance. <br /> (1) In consideration of existing site conditions during review of the landscape and <br /> tree preservation plan, the Planning Director may add additional tree protection <br /> areas when determining the exact location of any tree protection fencing. <br /> (B) Landscape and tree preservation plans shall be prepared by certified landscape <br /> architects or other landscape professionals with a proficiency in preparing landscaping <br /> plans, with the exception of minor subdivisions. If a minor subdivision must install <br /> Orange County, North Carolina—Unified Development Ordinance Page 6-49 <br />