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..3 ;0 <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Clevelandi seconded-by Commissioner Smith; the Resolution Endorsing <br />$100 Million State School Bonds was ammended and unanimously adopted as follows: <br />WHEREAS, the construction of necessary public school buildings is imposing an <br />ever-larger burden on county property taxes and county property taxpayers; and <br />WHEREAS, Orange County is one of 15 systems out of the 171 school districts in <br />the state that has experienced an enrollment growth of over 100% in the past 15 years; and <br />WHEREAS, the general Assembly has offered to help counties meet this burden <br />by authorizing the issuance of $100 million in State School Bnnds, subject to the <br />approval of the voters at the General Election on November 3; and <br />WHEREAS, if these State School Bonds are approved on November 3, the public <br />schools of Orange County will receive the sum of $7481214.27 for use in building <br />additional school buildings which are needed; and if these State School Bonds are not <br />approved, the taxpayers of Orange County will have to raise this amount from property <br />taxes; and <br />WHEREAS, this amount and more will be necessary in the immediate future if the <br />children of Orange Couaty are to have adequate buildings in which to study and prepare <br />for a productive role in the life of their community, the county, and the State; <br />. NCW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the BOARD of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of ORANGE <br />COUNTY that the State School Bonds be and they hereby are heartily endorsed, because <br />they will help provide the additional school buildings that our children need. <br />. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all the voters of Orange County be and they <br />hereby are urged to vote FOR the issuance of these State School Bonds at the General <br />Election on November 3. <br />ADOPTED this the Fifth Day of October; 1964. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Bennett, and unanimously <br />adopted, the per diem of the ABC Board members was raised from $10.00 to $15.00. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Bennett, seconded by Commissioner Cleveland and unanimously <br />adopted, the following men were appointed to the Chapel Hill Board of Adjustment: <br />Wallace Williams term expires June, 1967 <br />William L. Ivey term expires June, 1967 <br />Atwood Askew term expires June, 1966 <br />Ritchie Bell term expires June, 1966 <br />Chairman Stanford read the following letter from A. H. Graham, Sr.: <br />"Thank you very much for having the old mill building open for inspection by <br />Mr. Fred Masten, one of the top officials of the George W. Kane Company._ <br />We went over the mill from top to bottom, and Mr. Masten made a very careful <br />inspection of the brick in the wall. <br />After considerable discussion the opinion of Mr. Masten was that it would be <br />a very costly operation to take down the old brick with the idea of preserving <br />same and reusing them in a wall around the old courthouse square. This <br />would be entirely a hand labor operation and would actually cost more than <br />would a sufficient number of brick to build the wall around the courthouse <br />square using new brick burned to a color that would exactly match the brick <br />in the old courthouse. Furthermore, the appearance of the wall would not be <br />as pleasing due to the fact that the old mortar would stick to some of the <br />brick and give a blotched color. Incidently, Mr. Masten stated to me that <br />at the present time the George W. Kane Company had an old two story brick <br />building which had been used as a dwelling house and which they were trying <br />to sell at a price of $1.00 provided the purchaser would remove same and <br />clear the premises within a reasonable time. In view of my conversation and <br />opinions advised by Mr. Masten I feel that we would not be justified in <br />asking the Commissioners to further consider the preservation and use of the <br />old brick in a wall around the courthouse square." <br />The County Administrator was authorized to inform James J. Freeland that he might proceed <br />th the authorization given him in September regarding the Walker building.