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proficient in reading and math and had passed the computer competency test. There <br />were 13 exceptional education students whose labels include Learning Disability (5), <br />Behavioral Educational Handicapped (2), Educable Mentally Handicapped (2~, 504 plan <br />(2), and Limited English Proficiency (2). There are eight 9`h graders, ten 10` graders, <br />five 11`" graders, and eleven 12°i graders. Seven students were referred because of <br />truancy, 5 substance abuse referrals, 15 referrals for academic difficulty, and 10 referral: <br />for disruptive behavior or deemed a serious threat. Of the 12 students placed at <br />Phoenix, their referrals included assault, weapon, substance abuse, sexual misconduct, <br />deemed a serious tlueat. SEE APPENDIX B - Profle of students 2003-1004. <br />RACIAL BREAKDOWN <br />RACE MALES FEMALES <br />BLACK 16 12 <br />WHITE 6 0 <br />HISPANIC 2 1 <br />ASIAN 1 0 <br />TOTAL STUDENTS 38 <br />GRADE # IN GRADE <br />7 1 <br />- <br />- <br />8 3 <br />_ <br />9 8 <br />to to <br />11 s <br />12 11 <br />*REASON FOR REFERRAL, <br />Academic Difficulty 15 <br />Disru five Behavior/Deemed Serious Threat 10 <br />Truancy 7 <br />Substance Abuse 5 <br />Placed (Substance Abuse, Deemed Serious Threat, <br />Weapon, Assault, Sexual Misconduct) 12 <br />*Son:e students bad urultiple reasons for referral <br />Exceptional Education Labels (34%) <br />LearningDisabilit (LD) ~ 5 <br />Behaviorally Emotionally Handicapped (BEH) 2 <br />Educable Mentally Haudicap~ed (EMH) 2 <br />Limited English Proficiency (LEP) 2 <br />504 Plan 2 <br />MEASURES OF SUCCESS 2002-2004 <br />