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graders and 14 12`x' graders. Sixteen students were referred for academic difficulty, one <br />for academic acceleration, 14 for truancy, five from PREP, 4 for substance abuse, 3 <br />serious threat, and one student was homeless and had work related problems. Of the four <br />students who were placed at Phoenix, their referrals included substance abuse and <br />deemed a serious threat. SEE APPENDIXA -Profile of studeuts 2002-2003. <br />RACIAL BREAKDOWN <br />RACE MALES FEMALES <br />BLACK 17 11 <br />WHITE 3 1 <br />HISPANIC 1 1 <br />ASIAN 0 0 <br />MULTI RACIAL 0 1 <br />TOTAL STUDENTS 35 <br />11V l.>liAUl~. <br />9 <br />10 <br />11 <br />12 <br />*REASON FOR REFERRAL <br />Academic Difficulty 16 <br />Academic Acceleration 1 <br />Truancy 14 <br />PREP 5 <br />Substance Abuse 4 <br />Deemed Ser°ious Threat 3 <br />Homeless/Work Related Problems 1 <br />Placed (Substance Abuse, Deemed Serious Tlueat) 4 'i <br />*Sorne studeuts had urultiple reasons for referral <br />Exceptional Education Labels (22% <br />Learning Disability (LD) 3 <br />Emotionally Handicapped (BEH) <br />Behaviorally 3 <br />, <br />Educably Mentally Handicapped (EMH) 1 <br />504 Plan 1 <br />During 200.3-2004, there were .38 students served in the program as of April 9, 2004. <br />The racial breakdown is 6 white males, 16 black males, l2 black females, 2 Hispanic <br />males, 1 Hispanic female, and 1 Asian male. Twenty-six of the .38 students were <br />