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11 <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner McKee, to <br /> approve budget amendment OPER-005. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said she appreciates where it comes from, and she can vote for it <br /> on the intent in which it was proposed. <br /> Chair Bedford said she is not going to support this amendment because in an ideal world <br /> you do not have to use fund balance to balance the budget. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said there are times when the Board appropriates fund balance, <br /> and it is not used. She said in the meantime, taxes are being raised in order to get that revenue. <br /> Travis Myren said if this amendment passes, staff will just have to be $100,000 more <br /> conscious in order to maintain the 16% fund balance policy. <br /> Commissioner McKee said they use fund balance many times. He said they are not going <br /> to be killed by the $100,000. He said that if it were not for sales tax and hold harmless issues, <br /> they would not be having this conversation. <br /> Commissioner Richards asked why Commissioner Hamilton chose $100,000. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said she was trying to balance her amendments and hopefully <br /> propose a meaningful adjustment to the proposed tax rate increase. <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 6 (Commissioner McKee, Commissioner Hamilton, Commissioner Portie-Ascott, <br /> Vice-Chair Greene, Commissioner Fowler, Commissioner Richards); Nays, 1 (Chair Bedford) <br /> MOTION PASSES <br /> Commissioner McKee reviewed budget amendment OPER-006, which he jointly <br /> sponsored with Commissioner Portie-Ascott and Chair Bedford. He said it is $15,000 back in for <br /> PORCH Hillsborough primarily because it focuses on feeding people, and it is that simple. <br /> Chair Bedford said the job has been posted that will be a food coordinator with non-profits <br /> and they can get the metrics straight. <br /> Vice-Char Greene asked if there is a corresponding reduction. <br /> Commissioner McKee said no. He said that there are a few things that are core things to <br /> him and that includes food, housing, and education. <br /> Commissioner Portie-Ascott said food insecurity is a huge issue in northern Orange <br /> County, and she is happy to be a co-sponsor. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Portie-Ascott, <br /> to approve budget amendment OPER-006. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Chair Bedford said she and Commissioner McKee wanted to withdraw amendments OP- <br /> 007 and OP-008. <br />