Orange County NC Website
At the December 13 meeting, staff will present a draft water conservation policy for the <br />Board's consideration to address the need to conserve water resources. <br />• Also at the December 13 meeting, staff will present a report on water consumption, costs <br />and possible performance measures for tracking progress. <br />Meanwhile, the recniitment and selection process is underway for the Board approved Energy <br />Conservation Manager appointment. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no direct financial impact related to adopting the policy or <br />receiving the report, Any additional budget recommended for program implementation will be <br />presented during the annual budget process, A primary projected outcome of implementation <br />of the Energy Conservation Policy is to reduce energy costs and/or mitigate energy cost <br />increases, Casts associated with specific equipment, system improvement or system <br />replacement will be addressed through the Capital Improvement Plan process. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board: <br />1. Adopt the attached Energy Conservation Policy effective December 1, 2005, subject to any <br />further direction it may wish to provide, <br />2, Receive the report on County building energy use and measures and provide additional <br />direction to staff as desired, <br />