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5 <br /> Chief Cabe said Orange Rural has only one volunteer and a volunteer board. He said the <br /> rest are paid staff. <br /> Chief Hayes said there are a lot of paid part time employees for Eno, but still not enough <br /> to cover the needs. <br /> Chief Bowden said New Hope has a few volunteers and allows those who live outside the <br /> district to volunteer. <br /> Commissioner Richards arrived at 7:06 pm. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton asked what needs make up personnel costs. <br /> Chief Cabe said Orange Rural has a standard 4% raise for inflation and budgets 20% for <br /> insurance increases. He said a 5% match is given to 401 ks in an effort to keep people from going <br /> to government. He said Wake County has people starting in the $50,000 range vs. their $35,000 <br /> range and it is a challenge. <br /> Chief Hayes said Eno pays an hourly rate and is hoping to be able to move to salary. <br /> Chair Bedford thanked them all for the work they do and encouraged any interested <br /> commissioners to become the liaison to the Fire Chief's Association. She asked for an update on <br /> the training facility issue. <br /> Chief Cabe said there was a plan to develop a transfer station on Chapel Hill Town land <br /> where a training facility is currently located. He said if the transfer station is built, the backup plan <br /> is for the training facility to go back to White Cross Fire Department. <br /> Travis Myren said there had been some discussion about siting a transfer station where <br /> the current training facility is located. He said as discussion for the Solid Waste Master Plan <br /> unfolded, the Solid Waste Advisory Group indicated that it would not be imminent if it happens. <br /> Chair Bedford encouraged the Chiefs to be in contact with the County Manager's office to <br /> keep them informed of any immediate staffing needs. <br /> 2. Discussion of County Departments' FY 2024-25 Recommended Budgets: Sheriff, <br /> Equity and Inclusion, and Library Services <br /> Deputy County Manager, Travis Myren, continued the presentation: <br /> Slide #7 <br /> Capital Investment Plan Questions <br /> — expense and revenue <br /> Expense $424.577 $431,964 <br /> Revenue $147,027 $126,875 <br /> General Fund Impact $277,550 $305,089 <br /> — Effand Cheeks Community Center Expansion <br /> • $150,000 recommended for 360 square foot expansion <br /> • New Planning Department Review <br /> — By right expansion capability of approximately 2,700 square feet(reduced if more parking is required) <br /> — Recombine parcels to include school property to create"common development' <br /> — Impervious surface transfer—place conservation easement on property in the same watershed <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> 7 NU]'I 1 I CAROLINA <br />