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22 <br /> Commissioner McKee said that he would have been a lot clearer on the presentation on <br /> Tuesday night if they had shown the sequencing. <br /> Chair Bedford agreed. She said that it is great we have options. She said it seems they <br /> are all agreeing on Option 1. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he does not care which option, as long as it helps the children <br /> be better equipped and kept safe. <br /> Chair Bedford said they can bring options because they have the expertise. She said they <br /> must review programming, transportation, and staffing and it is a year-long very involved process. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said she supports Option 1 and encourages the option with <br /> flexibility because of the unknown. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said that the sequencing really gives all of that. <br /> Kirk Vaughn said it would be a new building on the same site. <br /> Vice-Chair Greene said the flexibility is letting them rebuild Central or identifying other <br /> elementary school needs. <br /> Travis Myren continued the presentation: <br /> Slide #8 <br /> Project Based Budgeting <br /> • Which categories should be budgeted by project? <br /> I Project Types <br /> Major Projects Bond and Annual Pay-GO $344 million Replacements <br /> • Major Renovations <br /> • Partial Rebuilds <br /> High Priority Needs Remaining Bond/Pay-GO $213 million Major System Replacements <br /> • Annual Maintenance Roof Replacements <br /> Lottery Proceeds Fire and Sprinkler Systems <br /> Existing Capital Balances Room Renovations <br /> Supplemental Deferred <br /> Maintenance <br /> Other Capital Projects Article 46 Sales Tax $72 million Technology <br /> Recurring Capital Flooring <br /> • Athletics <br /> • Leases <br /> • Component Maintenance <br /> $ ORAN GE COUNTY <br /> Chair Bedford inquired and the Board agreed they don't need project-based for other <br /> capital projects and to do project based for major projects. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said they previously agreed to major projects that were presented <br /> to them and asked if that is changing. <br /> Travis Myren said he does not mean that they are changing. <br /> Commissioner Fowler asked if it was the same as they saw at the retreat. <br /> Travis Myren said it is from the Chapel Hill plan that was submitted to the Board on <br /> Tuesday night. He said that they are not providing ambiguity as to what those projects are and <br /> they are as they were presented. He clarified that the total shown is a combination of the projects <br /> from both plans. <br /> Commissioner Richards said she wants to do project-based for Major and High Priority. <br /> She said standards definitions would be important. She said she would like it to be clear how a <br /> project falls in a category. <br /> Commissioner McKee said the split for major projects is essentially still 60-40. He said he <br /> would still prefer to do ADM for high priority needs. <br />