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21 <br /> Commissioner McKee said he does not disagree. He said that getting schools up to <br /> adequate safety is important too. He said he doesn't want to put funds into schools that will only <br /> get 10 more years of useful life. <br /> Chair Bedford asked what school he is referring to. <br /> Commissioner McKee said Grady Brown. <br /> Travis Myren said there would be about $84-85 million left for other projects. <br /> Chair Bedford said she thought they should follow Woolpert and every school has to have <br /> basic safety/fire etc. and then the remainder of the funds can go back to the school board to <br /> determine allocation. She said that they can still do levels 1,2,3, but not 4 and 5. She said those <br /> must wait. She said Orange County is going to have to do a redistricting. She said that the school <br /> board can look at safety needs and bring those back. <br /> Commissioner Richards said Grady Brown is $16 million and there is money to do that. <br /> She said that they will still have the funds to prioritize that if they wish. <br /> Travis Myren said there was confusion about the Central plan. He said that it never <br /> planned to merge the two schools. <br /> Kirk Vaughn said the use of the word consolidation confused that. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said she wishes there was an option 3. She said she feels a little <br /> unclear and they didn't get the details on it soon enough to be able to dig in. She said that seeing <br /> sequencing provided by CHCCS and output numbers really helped to clarify what they are trying <br /> to do, and not having that from OCS is difficult. <br /> Chair Bedford said what OCS did was that instead of following Woolpert's <br /> recommendation, they came up with their own list and she said that is putting lipstick on a pig. <br /> She said that's the same plan. She said buildings just keep aging. She said she wants to see a <br /> new elementary school. She said that they will need to go back to the school board and have <br /> them lay out high priority needs and let the school board identify other priorities. Chair Bedford <br /> said OCS's approach wasn't what she expected or wanted in order to not keep kicking the can <br /> down the road. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said Option 1 does give OCS some leeway on the Central rebuild <br /> and their point about not replacing Orange Middle School because there was 7-10 years of <br /> warranty left, but the plan replaces that around 7 years. She said that there are other schools with <br /> open design, and they have to be addressed. She said she agrees with Option 1. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said she agrees that the Woolpert principles are what they paid <br /> for and asked for. She said that the schools need to follow that. She said that she would like <br /> another option for OCS to bring something closer to the plan. <br /> Commissioner Richards said the decision goes back to why the Board decided to spend <br /> the money for Woolpert. She said they wanted an objective look at the schools and total <br /> assessment of facilities in the county for their children. She said when they start educating people <br /> about the bond, it's important to go back to that principle. She said that she does not do see how <br /> that is possible by spreading it out to all the schools. She said even though she voted against the <br /> study initially, she thinks it was important to get to this point and they need to remain focused on <br /> why they started this process. She said she is supportive of Option 1. <br /> Travis Myren said even within Option 1, the county will not prescribe high priority items. <br /> He said those will be selected by the school system. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he agrees with Commissioner Richards's points. He said he <br /> supports Option 2 but whatever decision they make, he just wants to get the longest life out of the <br /> buildings. He said his fear is if they go with both new, they will burn out a lot of the funds. He said <br /> that safety is his number one objective. <br /> Chair Bedford said that Grady Brown proposed plumbing and some mechanical and <br /> adding interior walls. She said it did not include connecting any buildings. <br /> Chair Bedford said the school system can decide on the sequencing which high priority <br /> need to address. <br />