Orange County NC Website
20 <br /> Slide#7 <br /> Which Projects? <br /> • Primary Decision Points on Approach <br /> — The decision on number of new facilities will determine amount available for all other projects <br /> • Option 1 <br /> New Elementary School <br /> New Orange Middle School <br /> — Central Elementary Partial Rebuild or identify other ES priorities <br /> — Apply remaining funds to Level 1,2,and select Level 3 priorities <br /> • Option 2 <br /> New Elementary School <br /> Apply funds to Level 1 and 2 priorities first <br /> — Apply funds to Level 3,4,and 5 projects <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> 7 NORTH CAROLINA <br /> Commissioner Fowler said she liked that you could see the age of the school in CHCCS's <br /> presentation. She said it also showed the FCI index. She said she can't tell how Orange County's <br /> plan moves the needle. She asked if there is a way to know that. <br /> Travis Myren said not without a new analysis. He said it was provided by Woolpert in <br /> Chapel Hill's presentation. <br /> Vice-Chair Greene said she is leaning toward Option 1 with a new elementary school and <br /> Orange Middle School. <br /> Commissioner Portie-Ascott said she is also leaning toward Option 1. She said when the <br /> Board discussed putting the bond on the ballot, it was to address those needs. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said it is difficult to tell what they are comparing, but there is a better <br /> chance of getting what they want with Option 1. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he doesn't remember the price on the Central Elementary <br /> rebuild. <br /> Travis Myren said it will be $27.3 million. He said the reason it's less than a new <br /> elementary school is some redone portions would be maintained. <br /> Commissioner McKee said the reason he asked is to estimate the 60/40 split, it seems <br /> that Orange County is eating up their entire budget on just three projects. <br /> Travis Myren said he could get the Board a number for what is left over for high priority <br /> needs. <br /> Chair Bedford said all of the numbers are based on the $300,000,000 bond, the <br /> $100,000,000 pay-go, the lottery proceeds, the leftover proceeds from the old bond, the deferred <br /> maintenance, and the ongoing funds they get every year. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that would spend the entire budget. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said that her math was different. <br /> Chair Bedford said the number for Orange Middle School is different than the study. She <br /> asked if the $66 million figure is a correct, revised number. <br /> Kirk Vaughn said that number reflects the discussion regarding the two options and that <br /> $48 million is not sufficient to rebuild the middle school, so $66 million is in the right range. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he was going through the figures presented tonight. <br /> Commissioner Richards said the idea of the bond is to do the big stuff. <br />