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12 <br /> Courtney McLaughlin said that isn't happening at this time, but this is a goal for the <br /> department over the next year. <br /> Commissioner Richards said it seems that the work slowed down and she would like to <br /> see how that will be implemented. She asked if that is part of the plan for the next year. She said <br /> the intention is that the department will be able to facilitate training and reactive those who have <br /> previously been part of the GARE team, so they can be part of implementing the work. <br /> Travis Myren said focuses for next year include how to drive racial equity work forward <br /> and what that looks like and the other portion is community engagement and how county staff <br /> interacts with diverse sections of the community. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said there are subcommittees on the Board of Health working on <br /> the various issues uncovered in the Community Health Assessment. She said previously, equity <br /> was a specific subcommittee, but now all subcommittees use an equity lens in their respective <br /> work. She said hopefully other departments are doing that too. <br /> Courtney McLaughlin said part of the budget process is looking at how requests impact <br /> equity, so all departments are using it to some extent. She said the next phase is getting everyone <br /> on the same page as far as tools they are using, how empowered people feel to use the tools, <br /> and feeling more connected as an organization when working on racial equity efforts. <br /> Travis Myren said the Board doesn't see this, but if a department is requesting any new <br /> initiatives as part of the budget process, they must fill out a racial equity questionnaire, which are <br /> taken into account in the recommended budget. <br /> Commissioner Portie-Ascott asked if the department's work is more internal facing now <br /> that the fair housing staff has moved to Housing. <br /> Courtney McLaughlin said the office is also a part of the One Orange group with <br /> municipalities, partners with community agencies with similar goals, and staffs the Human <br /> Relations Commission. <br /> Chair Bedford said at the Assembly of Governments meeting, there was a request to <br /> change the presentation of data in the Equity Index. She asked if that had been done. <br /> Courtney McLaughlin said they are looking at making the dashboard user-friendly and <br /> timely in the next phase of the work. <br /> Slide #16 <br /> Human Services <br /> • Library Services — page 183 <br /> • Total expenditure budget-$3,490,734 <br /> — Net County costs increase by$617,545 compared to Base Budget <br /> • Living wage increase for Temporary Employees-$27,229 <br /> • Southern Branch Library Operating Expenses <br /> — Occupancy date October 1,2024 <br /> — Six new staff and increasing 0.652 FTE of existing Cybrary staff-$407,702 <br /> — Temporary staffing-$35,300 <br /> — Operating costs for materials,supplies,other resources-$147,314 <br /> — Library share of building operating costs-$77,540 <br /> — Total budget impact-$667,856 <br /> • No change in contribution to Chapel Hill Library-$621,323 <br /> 16 OPA GE C:0UN�TY <br />