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11 <br /> Travis Myren introduced Office of Equity and Inclusion Interim Director, Courtney <br /> McLaughlin. <br /> Slide #15 <br /> Human Services <br /> • Office of Equity & Inclusion <br /> Number of Limited English Proficiency Outreach Activities <br /> 70 <br /> 60 <br /> 50 <br /> 40 <br /> 30 <br /> 20 <br /> 10 <br /> 0 <br /> FY2017-18 FY2018-19 FY2019-20 FY2020-21 FY2021-22 FY2022-23 FY2023-24 Proj FY2024-25 Budget <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> 15 NORTH CAROLINA <br /> Courtney McLaughlin said this year is important to center the language access <br /> components across the county. She said they got to see what it would look like to centralize those <br /> services during the pandemic and want to assess what went well during that period and how to <br /> improve from there. She said outreach activities increased during that time, which is when <br /> departments were working together. <br /> Commissioner Fowler asked what is meant by language access services. <br /> Courtney McLaughlin said it is both direct interpreters and translators and the language <br /> access phone line that can be used for on demand support within a department. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton asked if there will be a consultant for the Language Access Plan. <br /> Courtney McLaughlin said part of the planning will include bringing staff that are already <br /> providing these services together to assess current services and examine strengths and <br /> weaknesses, and a consultant will help facilitate that process. She said the goal is to have a clear <br /> and cohesive plan so that all staff are on the same page on how to get assistance to provide <br /> better service to the community. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton asked what the current cost is for translation services. <br /> Travis Myren said part of the issues is that currently, costs are being paid through different <br /> department budgets. He said there isn't currently a central location for these services. <br /> Courtney McLaughlin said part of the assessment will be looking at current costs. <br /> Vice-Chair Greene said the plan sounded very exciting. <br /> Courtney McLaughlin said the other component is adding plain language into the work <br /> using the One Orange Racial Equity framework. <br /> Commissioner Richards asked if there is a dispersed plan within departments for the One <br /> Orange plan. <br /> Travis Myren said the work hasn't gotten to a point where departments are implementing <br /> One Orange initiatives. <br />