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Action Plan standards. He stated that finding equipment that is effective and meets the <br /> needs of the division has been a challenge. Reyman inquired on the status of the <br /> Lawrence Road project that HYAA is engaged with. Stancil answered that it is his <br /> understanding HYAA is moving forward with building new fields at that facility. Reyman <br /> followed up with a question regarding any fire prevention strategies in the parks <br /> division. Derby informed that it is not something that the division manages but that they <br /> do take part in some controlled burns. Gregory Husketh followed up on the <br /> conversation of staff shortages. Derby believes that there is a lack of applicants, and <br /> that there is a nationwide labor shortage. Xilong Zhao asked about the tennis court <br /> construction at Fairview Park, and if it would include pickleball. Stancil informed that the <br /> courts will be designed and utilized for both. <br /> c. Manager's Recommended FY 2024-2025 Budget Overview-Stancil presented an <br /> overview of recent budget information. The Manager's Budget has been announced and <br /> reflects a fairly austere budget year. The County is in a hiring freeze since the State is no <br /> longer providing funds it used to allocate for certain social service's needs. Many <br /> department budgets faced cuts and Stancil is working with the Business Officer to make <br /> cuts to line items. The Commissioners are set to make a final decision on the budget on <br /> June 18. The previously approved funding for the next round of improvements at <br /> Blackwood Farm Park is still available and the Park Repair and Renovations account is <br /> still being funded. Reyman sought follow-up on outside agency funding updates. Staff <br /> will follow up and forward the Manager's recommendation for outside agency funding <br /> requests to the council. Stancil discussed some of the competition in funding and <br /> planning for projects, and the nature of the Capital Investment Plan and getting funding. <br /> Old Business <br /> a. P&R Master Plan 2030 Mid-Plan Review- Update: Stancil reminded the Council of the <br /> purpose of the mid-plan review. The Parks and Recreation Master Plan was adopted in <br /> 2014, with targeted goals through 2030. The Council has been re-examining the <br /> recommendations outlined in the original document. Staff have completed the4 write- <br /> up based on Council discussions and sought any additional feedback, including ideas for <br /> a final conclusion. Reyman would like to see the need for recreation facilities more <br /> heavily emphasized. Flinn referenced the Land Use 2050 Plan, and Stancil offered to <br /> include a reference to that as well as the Strategic Plan, as a reflection on County <br /> priorities for recreational facilities and nature preserves. Mattingly will send out a final <br /> document for the Council to see prior to staff submitting it to the BOCC. <br /> b. Chapel Hill Meeting Location—The Council discussed hosting the Chapel Hill meetings <br /> at the Solid Waste Management conference room, as it is a new facility with a larger <br /> meeting space. Reyman moved to change the Chapel Hill meeting location to Solid <br /> Waste, Robinson seconded. All in favor, none opposed, motion carried. <br /> c. Fairview Tennis/Pickleball Courts and Perry Hills Mini-Park—Stancil provided a brief <br /> update on these projects and discussed the bid process for Fairview tennis courts. The <br /> initial bids that came in were significantly above the initial budget. After review and <br /> discussion, the project will be re-bid g Fe issued and will be put out closer to August, so <br />