Agenda - 11-15-2005-6d
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-15-2005
Agenda - 11-15-2005-6d
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8/29/2008 10:40:56 AM
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Minutes - 20051115
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2005
RES-2005-089 Resolution Calling for New Federal Priorities
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2005
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DRAFT LETTER <br />REPRESENTATIVE PRICE <br />SENATORS DOLE AND BURR <br />NOTE: Letter will be properly addressed and formatted on BOCC stationery for <br />Chair's final review and signature before sending. <br />Dear Congressman <br />Dear Senator <br />RE: House Report.3010 -Appropriations for the Departments of Labor, Health <br />and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies for the Fiscal Year <br />Ending September 30, 2006 <br />The package of cuts to human services program will harm thousands of vulnerable <br />children and families in Orange County and dramatically reduce the resources available <br />for us to serve them. We must express our sincere reservations and urge you to vote "No" <br />on measures that would do direct and substantial hazm to the less fortunate. <br />We submit the following examples for your consideration: <br />Child Support Enforcement in Orange County manages nearly 2900 household cases. <br />Of these fewer than 400 receive Work First (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families - <br />TANF) meaning 2,500 households depend in vazying degrees on child support collections <br />to maintain their financial stability and sufficiency.. The proposed reduction in federal <br />financial participation from 66 percent to 50 percent would affect the timeliness and <br />quality of service ranging from establishing paternity to enforcing support obligations, <br />and would actually increase costs in other federal programs. <br />Orange County Social Services has seen the average caseload in the Food Stamp <br />Program per fiscal year nearly double, from 1,471 in 2000-O1 to 2,763 in 2004-05. The <br />average monthly payment to families during September 2005 was $207. If this program <br />were to experience the $844 million cut over five yeazs as proposed by the House, how <br />might local authorities fill this gap? With the rising cost of transportation and utilities, the <br />importance of food stamps in reducing hunger cannot be understated. North Carolina has <br />the ninth highest rate of food insecurity in the nation with 1.3.8 percent of its population <br />struggling to get enough to eat.. <br />The House bill contains a version of TANF re-authorization that is more reshictive for <br />clients and counties alike, while providing minimal increases in Child Care to support <br />the increased requirements. At any time, there are between 300 and 400 children waiting <br />for subsidized care through either Orange County Social Services or Child Care Services <br />in its administration of Smart Start funds.. Without affordable childcare, families are hard <br />pressed to work and contribute to the local economy. <br />
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