Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />A RESOLUTION OF INTENT AND INTEREST TO REVIEW AND COMMENT ON <br />DEVELOPMENT-RELATED TRANSPORTATION PROPOSALS ALONG ORANGE <br />COUNTY'S WESTERN BORDER THROUGH THE NCDOT <br />WHEREAS, transportation planning is a regional planning effort that does not <br />limit itself to finite geographic boundaries; and <br />WHEREAS, the NCDOT District Office reviews development proposals within <br />different jurisdictions, whether county or municipal, to assess transportation system <br />impacts; and <br />WHEREAS, the coordination and communication among various local <br />governments can assist the NCDOT with their assessment of a development proposal <br />based on the local government's knowledge of existing and future land use, long-range <br />transportation plans, including public transportation plans, and other development <br />proposals that may be in the process; and <br />WHEREAS, NC legislation does not require specific courtesy review of <br />development proposals between proximate local governments to share and comment <br />on potential impacts, solutions and suggested traffic improvements; and <br />WHEREAS, NC legislation has given authority to municipal governments to plan, <br />through zoning and subdivision regulations, within an Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction <br />without formally coordinating with county government, even though such plans have <br />potential impacts to many county public services (e.g. Sheriffs office, schools, public <br />transportation, senior citizen and other social and health services), whether prior to <br />annexation or after annexation; and <br />WHEREAS, NCDOT can be the conduit to ensure that all affected local <br />governments have important input into the development review process with respect to <br />transportation impacts, no matter which jurisdiction, through an open development <br />review process; and <br />WHEREAS, the development review process can be conducted in a timely <br />manner to promote well-planned and orderly economic and housing development; and <br />WHEREAS, this suggested planning process can lead to less cost to the State <br />through better planning, dedication or reservation of necessary right-of-ways, developer <br />improvements and contributions; and <br />WHEREAS, NCDOT and Orange County have coordinated on many existing and <br />future transportation plans and improvements that have led to an improvement of the <br />health, safety and welfare of local and regional citizens and businesses; <br />