9-4-24 PB Agenda Packet
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
9-4-24 PB Agenda Packet
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Last modified
8/29/2024 11:59:50 AM
Creation date
8/29/2024 11:57:48 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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13 <br /> DRAFT <br /> 313 Charity Kirk: I have an aside really quick about how often do wells run dry in Orange County due to <br /> 314 new developments, because this keeps coming up, this comes up in almost everything <br /> 315 where neighbors are worried about wells running dry, so just how often does it happen? <br /> 316 Patrick Mallett: I'm not Environmental Health, but I don't know of any wells running dry. I think some of the <br /> 317 issues and concerns have been over the years, is how much pressure and is there going <br /> 318 to be an impact on my well versus your well. Orange County has the subsurface, we're <br /> 319 not like a coastal plain community, there's not a, you can take it to the bank, you dig 6 feet <br /> 320 down you're going to hit the water table and so ultimately the impact, if you drill one well <br /> 321 here and one well there, they may or may not be draining from the same water source in <br /> 322 terms of quality, volume, and I can say a fair number of wells with recent development <br /> 323 have gone deeper to ensure that they've got enough of a water source and water <br /> 324 pressure. <br /> 325 Charity Kirk: Is this a health department question or who keeps track of the aquifers in the county? <br /> 326 Patrick Mallett: The health department is in charge of the wells. <br /> 327 Charity Kirk: Okay, so the health department would be aware. <br /> 328 Patrick Mallett: Yes, they are. Part of this journey to get you to this point includes staff review in the <br /> 329 planning department. We also take it to the Development Advisory Committee.All <br /> 330 development projects go through them and then they issue their memos. <br /> 331 Charity Kirk: How often does the health department flag something as being a potential problem? <br /> 332 Patrick Mallett: I can't remember a single case where they've said no, definitely, this could be a problem. <br /> 333 Charity Kirk: So, it's very much trusting the engineers who look at these, okay, thank you. <br /> 334 Patrick Mallett: It takes a lot of money to get to this point so there is some confidence and if they're wrong <br /> 335 then they're on the hook for that error. <br /> 336 Charity Kirk: That they can provide water to this property. Okay, thank you. <br /> 337 Chris Johnston: I apologize for butting in, but if it is affected, for instance, who's on the hook for that? Is it <br /> 338 the homeowner who now has the affected well or is it the nearby property that just went in <br /> 339 X, Y, Z. Do they have to prove cause? <br /> 340 Patrick Mallett: I think that that would ultimately take a journey through civil litigation and attorneys and <br /> 341 I'm not an attorney. <br /> 342 Chris Johnston: Nope, that's fine. Thank you. <br /> 343 Adam Beeman: Any other questions? <br /> 344 Lamar Proctor: I make a motion to recommend approval of the preliminary plat to the Board of County <br /> 345 Commissioners as submitted finding it's in conformity with Article 7 of the UDO. <br /> 346 Statler Gilfillen: Second that again. <br /> 347 MOTION BY Lamar Proctor to approve the preliminary plat. Seconded by Statler Gilfillen. <br /> 348 MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY <br />
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