9-4-24 PB Agenda Packet
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Orange County Planning Board
9-4-24 PB Agenda Packet
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Last modified
8/29/2024 11:59:50 AM
Creation date
8/29/2024 11:57:48 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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12 <br /> DRAFT <br /> 274 underground line shown as well and an easement over them, so we have the assurance <br /> 275 that we can continue to have electricity. Thanks. <br /> 276 Adam Beeman: I assure you if you call Duke, they'll give you a copy of that easement. <br /> 277 Jamie Cox: It's Piedmont. I've asked for the contact from the developer's engineers a couple of times <br /> 278 and haven't received any input from that, so happy to talk to Piedmont directly. <br /> 279 Adam Beeman: I'm saying because when I had to sign up years ago back in 20081 have a copy of my box <br /> 280 that's the Duke Piedmont easement giving the right-of-way so there's going to be a <br /> 281 document that Piedmont has in their possession that says that they have a right-of-way <br /> 282 with your property so if you're really concerned about it, I'd contact Piedmont directly and <br /> 283 see if they couldn't get that information for you. <br /> 284 Jamie Cox: Yeah, absolutely happy to do it. It's more than likely going to change since they can see <br /> 285 that electricity line is going directly through one of the lots, my assumption is it'll go to one <br /> 286 side or the other, so we'd just like to see that change depicted on the plat. <br /> 287 Adam Beeman: Marilyn, any questions? <br /> 288 Marilyn Carter: Not at this moment. <br /> 289 Adam Beeman: Statler? <br /> 290 Lamar Proctor: Just so I understand, it's just an up or down approval, right? <br /> 291 Patrick Mallett: That's right, and this is not a legislative process that you're going, this is a subdivision <br /> 292 process, so you'd have to point to an element that they're not meeting as a requirement in <br /> 293 Section 7 of the LIDO. <br /> 294 Lamar Proctor: Okay. And you've reviewed it, and you don't find anything inconsistent with Section 7 or <br /> 295 Article 7? <br /> 296 Patrick Mallett: That's correct. And we have worked with Mr. Cox, and we've made that aware to the <br /> 297 developer, the surveyor does a lot of work in Orange County, and really the utility provider <br /> 298 and the owner, if something goes wrong from Point A to Point B, they're on the hook to fix <br /> 299 or rectify that situation so that it doesn't disrupt service to an adjacent owner. <br /> 300 Lamar Proctor: Who is the utility provider? <br /> 301 Patrick Mallett: PEMC, Piedmont. And then with the wells and septics they're required to provide a <br /> 302 certain level of analysis to evidence that it could be supported. As an added step the <br /> 303 subdivision process gets you to the point that you can record the lots, you still have a land <br /> 304 disturbance permit that you have to factor in, you still have well permits for all the <br /> 305 individual lots that you have to get reviewed and approved by Environmental Health, you <br /> 306 still have the septic permits that have to get reviewed and approved. They've done what <br /> 307 is typical of this type of development, it is a bit of a gamble on the developer's part <br /> 308 because they don't have those permits in hand, but they obviously feel, they've done <br /> 309 enough due diligence to feel comfortable enough to proceed with the design as they <br /> 310 proposed. <br /> 311 Chris Johnston: I have no questions. <br /> 312 Adam Beeman: Charity? <br />
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